Show off any maps you've made or would recommend!

 #36957  by Shaka
Kenshin wrote:here is our clanmaps song ;)
If the majority of the clan is ok for this song I'll take this one :)

can someone give me a link to download it?

 #36959  by Kenshin
sent u it over msn ;)

 #36994  by Exiamu
that is a calming song.

 #36998  by Zabuza
not a fitting song for the bar imo

 #36999  by DarkLink
I say for the bar we get the cantina music, that's is Shaka knows how to make music for just one room >.>

 #37004  by Darfin
God...Cantina music is so overused though.

 #37033  by Richard

Did you know Henry the 8th wrote that!!

 #37099  by Darko
Why would be want classical..

 #37127  by Richard
I see your point

to be fair classical is the basis of the great theatricals

All star wars theatricals have been as great as the effects thanks to John Williams..

without it the intestity is lost

not that you'd have that in the game like

lol :)

 #37142  by Melissa
Kenshin wrote:here is our clanmaps song ;)
Noooooooooo!! Greenselevs was written and always written to be played on harpsicord or traditional harp.. or even a string set.. But Henry played and wrote teh song on the original clean sound of a harpsicord

here is a much better rendtion

 #37145  by BadWolf
ye indeed, this 1 is alot better, and more acusticy (i think thats the term lol)

 #37147  by Zabuza
or we can have the cricket music that comes up on awkward scenes on tv and movies Image

 #37159  by Melissa
Zabuza wrote:or we can have the cricket music that comes up on awkward scenes on tv and movies Image

You sure about that :?

 #37162  by Cross
Melissa wrote:
Zabuza wrote:or we can have the cricket music that comes up on awkward scenes on tv and movies Image

You sure about that :?
I loved this theme hah ^.^

 #37307  by BadWolf
RaVeN wrote:we could always go really cheeseball with this one: ... re=related

(We will not)
omg rav, please no!

dont get me wrong, its an ok song but it would be a reason i have ingame music off xD

 #37347  by Melissa
If your looking at the classical hym still theres Jerusalem?

Although it is considered to be an unofficial English national Anthem (England doesnt have a national anthem)

 #37350  by DarkLink
Ode to joy anyone? I know its not going to be that but it is classical :)

 #37365  by Richard
Jersualem would be totally wrong for JA, yes to National Anthem..

Even Greenselves as its a summer love song..

In the new trilogy Lucas and Williams when with a choir almost dark religous theatricle style which worked a treat.. not an easy to find though

 #37406  by Akimoto
How about not having any music? It would decrease the size compared with having one.

 #37409  by Falcon
Akimoto wrote:How about not having any music? It would decrease the size compared with having one.

 #37430  by BadWolf
lol @ pun

and yes i agree

too much of a hassle to pick out a single song all parties will like anyway ^^
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