The Latest KR News on the Planet can be found here.
 #99260  by Falcon
The KR Council has granted SilverCloud her tags once again!

Good to have you back :)

 #99263  by Clank
Hoooray wb

 #99268  by Kakashi.Archive
Grats sister <3

 #99273  by jawfin
You know it's a good thing that a cloud has a silver lining; but it's a great thing to have a whole cloud made of silver. Welcome back AgH2O :)

This is not a dig at our Cloud <3

 #99276  by Jato
roflmao jaw ^
congrats silver and great to have you back! <3

 #99279  by RVCA
Welcome back!

 #99282  by Jato
^ The epic triple post!

 #99283  by SilverCloud
Lol, thanks guys.

 #99284  by SilverCloud
Quick question, do I have to go through the whole student/master thing again?

 #99285  by Key
lmao Jaw & RV....

anyways welcome back! And to answer your question, yes :\

 #99288  by Fazz
Welcome back SilverCloud.

And to answer your question, yes.

The policy is that, no matter what the skill of the person re-applying is. If they have been out of the clan for a long period of time (which for you is around the 4 year mark i believe). The member needs to go through all the ranks again.

RVCA and Tidus had to do this as well. So please don't feel like we are singling you out.

 #99290  by John
Welcome Back

 #99291  by Lurch
wb SC.

 #99306  by MetaDragoon
wb pal

 #99316  by Evan
Welcome back!

 #99341  by deathscyth
wb you are a great oppenent hope to duel you more

 #99370  by TheDoctor
welcome back SC :D

 #99375  by Wind
Welcome back!

A little off topic here, but doesn't her name confilct with Clouds name? Just a lucid thought, I just noticed it.

 #99379  by Falcon

 #99383  by Kakashi.Archive
Even if it did Wind. Silver was here years before he was ;)

 #99394  by Wind
Kakashi wrote:Even if it did Wind. Silver was here years before he was ;)
I don't think it would matter, Kaka...

Just wondering though :)