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 #92645  by deathscyth
hello all as u all know from my previous post here i am a song writer i have been writing a new song and i hope u all read it and i hope u like it

now and then i come to see the truth beyond the lies
everytime i forgive the one i knew
now i know that you are not the same perosn
i fell i love with
everytime i see you i say what have you become
everyday and everynight i come here to say
i will not fall apon anymore
no more of your lies
no more of this fake reality
no more of this darkness
oh no oh no all i can see is the truth beyond the lies now
no more ever again

that is the song i hope u like it and plz give feed back

 #92646  by Key
did you make actual music for the song or is it just lyrics so far, cus I'd like to hear the instrumental part to this

 #92652  by deathscyth
i havnt made the music for it but itll kinda be like a sad fast tempo good beat all that

 #92654  by Wind
Really nice Deathscyth :wink:

 #92656  by deathscyth
thx man

 #92657  by Seeker
Nice, REALLY NICEE :D, you are a good writer, when i have a music band(i hope) we gonna contact :DD

 #92664  by Clank
*thumbs up*

 #92675  by deathscyth
Again thank you all

 #92677  by LumberWolf
Dude, that's great! if i had a little more practice, i think I could get ya some music........ but it would take A LOT more practice........

 #92681  by Mai
Aww I love it death<3

 #92682  by deathscyth
thankyou all and im glad mai i will post more soon hope u all give feed back

 #92691  by MetaDragoon
deathscyth wrote: sad fast tempo

to be honest i don't think a sad fast tempo would be good for the whole song but then again i did not write the words and i don't really got a good ear for music lol

 #92692  by MetaDragoon
oh ya good job buddy

 #92703  by deathscyth
ty meta and if u knew the tunr of how to sing it u would know why its that tempo

 #92705  by MetaDragoon
ya true thats why i said what i said death

 #92770  by deathscyth
Ok everyone I posted a new song I left a message in it about eat song u all want me to record so go leave a comment and I will record 1 song for u voice only because my amp is broken