Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #89532  by Falcon
Yup, Archaic has passed his Knight trial with a splendid display of single techniques :)

Status: Passed

Knight Trial for Archaic

Trialer : Falcon
Assistant : Mandalorian

1 vs 1:

1. Lost --(Falcon)
2. Won --(Mandalorian)
3. Won --(Falcon)
4. Lost --(Mandalorian)
5. Won --(Falcon)
6. Won --(Mandalorian)
7. Won --(Falcon)
8. Won --(Mandalorian)
9. Won --(Falcon)
10. Lost --(Mandalorian)

2 vs 1:

1. Won
2. Won
3. Won
4. Won
5. Lost

Final result: Won 7 / 10 (1 vs 1) & Won 4 / 5 (2 vs 1)

Congratulations Archaic :)

Also, congratulations are also in order to Hosh Pak! Who is our newest Guardian :)

~Ranks, rosters, tree updated~

 #89536  by Archaic
Congrats and thanks Hoshy!!! And thank you for the trial Falcon and Mandalorian!

 #89537  by Fazz
grats u2 :)

 #89547  by Eros

 #89564  by John
Good work Archaic!

 #89567  by Clank
im uploading the vids but as now im going to sleep it will be up in about 12 hrs

 #89568  by Mandalorian
Congratz! and you welcome :P

 #89591  by RVCA
Well done, the both of you

 #89598  by donykerio

 #89602  by Clank
1 vs 1

1 vs 2


i didint realized until the end of the 3 round that i wasnt shooting so there are only 2 rounds on 1 vs 2 sry

 #89614  by Mandalorian
Alex, i would enjoy the vids a bit more if you werent shaking the screen so much :P (mostly at part 2)

 #89651  by Clank
well i got a bit carryed away but mostly during betwen the fights