Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!
 #86429  by MasterM
Inspired by dent's daily music dose, I thought I'd add a daily puzzle to the mix. No idea if it will catch on or not, but let's give it a go anyhow. So basically, the puzzles will just be sort of logic word puzzles, and I'll post the answer as well as the next puzzle tomorrow. Feel free to guess or leave feedback as a comment. Also, if you know a puzzle you want to be on here, pm it to me and I'll post it ASAP.

So the first puzzle!

Scenario: there is a 10 mile bridge with a 10-ton weight limit. A truck weighing exactly 10 tons pulls up to the bridge. The officials clear the bridge of all other traffic, and the truck starts to move across the bridge. Three-fourths of the way over, a large bird flies over the truck and lands on it. The puzzle is, did the bridge collapse or not? And why?
Last edited by MasterM on Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 #86431  by jawfin
Depends on how long the bridge is, and *spoiler* if the bird weighs more than the amount of fuel it took for the truck to get where it is.

 #86432  by MasterM
Edited post to say 10 miles, so no the truck isn't on both sides

 #86437  by jawfin
And did you read my spoiler to see if I am correct? Use the mouse to select the hidden text after *spoiler* in case you didn't know what that meant. Note to others, don't do this or it'll, um, spoil the puzzle for you!

 #86438  by Clank
it dosent colapses cuz if the maximum weight that the bridge can handle is 10 tons

and the weight of the truck is also 10 tons

but 3 quarters of 10 tons is 7.5 tons so if a bird land on it still wont be heavy enugh to colapse

and how do i know how there is no bird heavy enugh to get more than 10 tons

(exept if it is a griphon)

lets say a bull it can be heavy from 400 to 1000kg and is there any bird that is heavy like a bird

that is a big fat NOU like the bull

i know its a bit complicate but that is how i lika do my stuff


i think and im sure that the bridge wont colapse

 #86442  by MasterM
Jawfin wrote:Depends on how long the bridge is, and *spoiler* if the bird weighs more than the amount of fuel it took for the truck to get where it is.
Yeah, but was sorta hoping to throw others off :P

 #86446  by jawfin
alex wrote:but 3 quarters of 10 tons is 7.5 tons so if a bird land on it still wont be heavy enugh to colapse
So your argument is that a truck loses 2.5 tons of its weight for every 3 quarters of a mile it drives?
So if it drove for 3 miles it will lose all 10 tons?
I guess the driver will have to hitch-hike from there as his truck evaporates - just don't get a lift from another truck or he'll be walking again from 3 miles down the road.

Maybe he can ride your bull? Note the clever pun there!!!

 #86449  by Rugg
I say it doesn't collapse....cuz it's just a damn bird :)

 #86450  by John
I say the bridge will drift upward.

 #86453  by Cubin55
I think that the bridge would not collapse due to the fuel consumption along the drive over the bridge. The input of a bird to the mix may either cause a collapse or not due to the size of the bird. I MEAN HOW LARGE ARE WE TALKING HERE?

 #86459  by Clank
wait i mean three fourths that that was the weight now i see its the way it passed

well i would say it would colapse then cuz if the maximum weight limit is 10 tons exactly and the truck is 10 tons exactly and + a bird that has a weight lets say 1 kg or more the bridge wouldnt stand the weight and it would colapse

 #86499  by MasterM
So, as jawfin spoiled and some of you guessed, the truck has already used more than the birds weight in fuel, so the bridge doesn't collapse.

Next puzzle! This one's a little tougher I think (maybe sorta).

Scenario: "Police sergeant O'Malley and his rookie assistant Ned are just pulling out of the local donut shop. They get a call on the radio that the town north of them has had a bank robbery. The suspects are proceeding south, and it's a high-speed chase.

"The chase has been going on for 40 minutes, and O'Malley and Ned should be on the lookout for a yellow Mustang with two men in the front seat and a woman in the back. The State Police were in hot pursuit, but they lost them right as they were headed towards Centerville, where O'Malley and Ned work.

"What should happen, but as O'Malley and Ned are pulling out of the donut shop, they happen to see that very car with two guys in the front and a woman in the back. Sargent O'Malley says, 'That's the car, Ned! We're going to go after it. Flip on the siren, and let's get 'em!'"

"Ned, who's been studying the back of the car, says, 'I don't think so, Sarge. It's not them.'"

Just what did Ned see?

Answer tomorrow!

 #86505  by Zabuza
Ned noticed that the car O'Malley saw was going in the wrong direction.

| Robbers heading south // they would see the front of the car.
-- Police officers / Centerville

Yet they see the back of the car going North (to where the robbery took place!) Therefore the wrong car. just a guess...

 #86507  by jawfin
It could of been a high speed chase in reverse, no-one said they were driving forwards! Also, cars can turn.

But I suspect Ned saw a 10 ton truck coming off the bridge (with a bird on top) full of donuts pulling into the delivery area of the donut shop and thus ruled the robbers as a SEP (somebody else's problem) so decided eat as many donuts as possible - after all, it wasn't their bank that was robbed!

 #86513  by John
1. It was never stated that O'Malley and Ned were in Centerville when they got the call, it just says they work there.
MasterM wrote:The State Police were in hot pursuit, but they lost them right as they were headed towards Centerville, where O'Malley and Ned work.
2. They were being pursued south but then were lost when they headed towards Centerville which might imply that the robbers switched directions from south to west or east. Unless the question is being redundant when it says the robbers are being chased south and are then lost when they head towards Centerville(south?), I'd say that they are looking at the wrong mustang.

3. Following my first point, that Ned and O'Malley are not necessarily in Centerville, it says the town north of them had been robbed, Ned and O'Malley could be in the south part of that same town that got robbed and headed back to Centerville. The chase has been going on for 40 minutes so, the robbers would be way out of town by the time Ned and O'Malley spotted a similar car. Also, the chase was high speed so, I think the decision would be rather obvious to chase them down if the mustang was going several hundred km/h.

number 3 is somewhat of a stretch.

4. The mustang was in front of them in the donut line and thus could not be the escape vehicle of the robbers unless the high speed chase was through a donut drive through. :p
Last edited by John on Wed Nov 02, 2011 5:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

 #86517  by Cubin55
I could not read Jawfin's spoiler at all so I am legit.

Plus I don't know what to think on this one, so many directions to take it.
I think Zabuza is onto something here.

 #86532  by Fazz
it had a different number plate / licence plate

 #86536  by Clank
it didint had 2 male people in the front and and one female in the back

 #86543  by jawfin
alex wrote:it didint had 2 male people in the front and and one female in the back
MasterM wrote:O'Malley and Ned should be on the lookout for a yellow Mustang with two men in the front seat and a woman in the back
MasterM wrote:they happen to see that very car with two guys in the front and a woman in the back
alex wrote:after reading this read it again

It could be something silly like the female in the back is a baby in one of the cars and its a old timer in the other - or its a female dog, or canary - the first description didn't say female person, just a female.

 #86549  by MasterM
Alright, so all of you have made good points, however, none of you are right. :( The answer is that Ned noticed water dripping from the tailpipe of the car that O'malley suspected. Water is a product of combustion, but in a car that had been driving at high speeds for 40 minutes, the engine heat would evaporate the water. Since this car was dripping water, it could only have been driven a short time

 #86550  by MasterM
The next puzzle (this one is easier)

Scenario:There's this unusual little bar, where you can get a free beer if you know the secret code.

The secret code works like this: You sit down at the bar. The bartender tells you a number. And you tell him another number. If it's right, you get a free beer.

For example, a customer goes up to the bar and the bartender says, "Six." The customer says, "Three," and he gets his free beer.

The second fellow goes up to the bar, and the bartender says, "Twelve." The customer says, "Six," and he gets his free beer.

A third customer sits at the bar, and the bartender says, "Fourteen." The customer says, "Eight." He gets a free beer.

You're sitting there. The bartender turns to you and says, "Twenty-two."

What do you say?

Answer tomorrow!

 #86551  by AJ
Last edited by AJ on Thu Nov 03, 2011 3:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

 #86552  by Fazz

 #86558  by Cubin55
That second puzzle was complicated. You would have to know a good amount about cars to figure it out. I work with cars all the time and I don't even know that one. >.<

Answer from me not now. I will edit later if I think of something before tomorrow.

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