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 #84023  by Clank
ok now example:

i flipkick some1 and then i step away and after about 30 sec that person that i flipkicked atacks me is that conciderd as laming and if not how much time need to pass that this person is not alowed anymore to atack me.

 #84029  by Falcon
The rule is quite simple. You flipkick someone, you are armed until you put chat up. However, no one is allowed to abuse this.

 #84039  by Clank
so i do a flipkick then i need to say something i say it than i am not atackeble
and if so i must not put chat up just to get protected

 #84115  by John
Also, you don't need to go out of your way to flip-kick someone just because they have lightsaber on. A lot of new people come on who don't know that it is probably best to leave their lightsaber off when they are not fighting. It is nice for visitors if we tell them this, otherwise they are constantly being attacked by people or being flipkicked and they don't no why and might start laming. Hugs make more friends then kicks.

 #84121  by Clank
ok ill try and folow ur sugestion as much as i can but when some1 is an ordonary visiter than

oh and PS when i see some1 with saber on standing on a ledge near a pit its just so tempting like there is a nice delicius cookie on the table just for u and to make it more tempting there is some1 that tells u that u must not eat that cookie then in that instant moment YOUR BODY JUST NEEDS TO EAT THAT COOKIE

 #84124  by LumberWolf
Translation: If i see someone standing next to a cliff with the saber on, just as if there is a warm, delicious cookie, sitting on the table just calling your name, is it ok to kick them off the cliff. is that what u were getting at alex?

 #84126  by John
My point is that you are probably going to make the person angry which leads to them laming, flaming and rage quitting. Excessive use of flip-kicking tends to do that.

 #84141  by Necros
*Ahem* Wonder Twins Power Activate! Form of...former Arbiter :P

As Fal-Gal pointed out up there, flipkick is fine so long as they are armed (herp derp no laming, if you don't know that part...um...huh...well then >.> ,) and you are considered armed until you put chat up. Now, that does not mean, "Oh hey, flipkick *chat before rdfa*, wash rinse repeat about 20 times. That is abuse plain and simple and while it's not necessarily something that will get you admin'd since you are part of KR (note, I didn't say it won't, just not necessarily ;) ,) you'll at least get a nice talking to, and I know I didn't give the nicest nice talking to's.

Now, onto business. What clan are you a part of? Knights Reborn. Knights Reborn is integrity, morals, and a sense of honor that's not easy to put into words. Now, what I see you guys describing is a sort of an "easy kill." Not against the rules of KR or anything, not really punishable, but at the same, not very honorable.

Imho, when you take one of those easy kills, it kind of kills the sense of honor that comes with those tags you put on. I'm not trying to get all preachy on you from my oh so high view from the pleateu of former members (though we do have cookies...and like to use parentheses...sorry,) so don't necessarily take what I say to heart completely. I would at least contemplate what I have said, think on it a little and formulate your own opinion.

As John said, this could piss a few people off, which is not good, especially if they're a new player to the JKA scene. So, I say, anything that you could look at and see as a post on here that's in the gray area, you sorta have to use your own judgement. As for this, for flipkicking people off ledges or taking advantage of someone who randomly has saber up and is just standing there, make sure you know deep down they won't get pissed by it. That meaning, know the person you're doing too. Whether it be a KR member or a regular you have become close enough to know that you won't be upsetting them by doing this. If you don't know the name, follow what John said. Tell them the rules that would apply to their situation and try to help them avoid a saber to the face or boot to the head.

This has been your friendly neighborhood Necros, just swinging by right quick to check up on you guys. Have good day KR :)

P.S. I do still generally skulk around these forums from day to day. If you have a question about my post, feel free to respond to this (which I recommend so others may try to answer,) or PM me, of IM me on MSN (CJPotteiger@msn.com) or Skype (Necros1215.)

KR Member 101 wrote:If a player is on and you think it might be their first time, try
helping them out. Remember what it was like when you were a
Try and remember the rules you signed guys ;)

 #84154  by Clank
thank you for ur opinion necros i realy apreciate it now the cunclusion is:

(corect if i am wrong)

flipkicking an armed player is not against the rules.but its not a good thing to do,because we could make some players mad,and RQ now we dont want that. so sugestion is to just leave it and dont flipkick.geting easy kills is not honorable,and being a KR is about being honorable,moral,respectful etc...

(thank you all for giveing ur thoughts and sougestions im realy thankful for ur participation on this topic)

 #84157  by Falcon
Yuppers :)

In general, attacking another player that isn't expecting it is a bad idea for a lot of reasons. Just ask yourself before you do something like that "Should I really be doing this?"

I think I like the way John put it best:
John wrote:Hugs make more friends then kicks.