Check out what is happening with the servers!
 #79512  by John
The server has been lagging alot today :shock:

 #79565  by MasterM
server is still lagging incredibly. is getting difficult to play

 #79566  by jawfin
Yea :\
I blame RaVeN for all her spawning, but besides that, I don't think ET did work that helped us. If this continues as is, I'll raise a ticket with them.

 #79647  by Scarface
Lag Today has been really bad. People who are normally in the 60's are spiking to 300+.

Just thought I would Say something too :)

 #79744  by Arcanine
i know it has been a little late but how is it now? i mean how is the server's lag issue? O.o

 #79746  by jawfin
Still pretty poor. Fal and I seem to be resetting it each day, sometimes more than once a day - but not so bad to raise a ticket ... yet.

 #79747  by Arcanine
that is good to hear that :)
and i wonder what is causing to make a serious lag effect :shock:

 #79868  by Falcon
Raised a ticket with ET (our server provider). Getting annoyed at server needing to be reset every day >.<
Falcon wrote:Hello,

Players that come to our server recently have been experiencing major lag issues. We will be playing and all our pings will spike up usually about 150. This will happen at random every day. We have to reset our server at least once, sometimes two times a day to solve the issue.

This has been happening ever since you posted about the server IPs migrating here ... =46&t=6265

Any help/information you have here would be great.

Thank you!

 #79870  by Akimoto
Falcon wrote:Raised a ticket with ET (our server provider). Getting annoyed at server needing to be reset every day >.<
Falcon wrote:Hello,

Players that come to our server recently have been experiencing major lag issues. We will be playing and all our pings will spike up usually about 150. This will happen at random every day. We have to reset our server at least once, sometimes two times a day to solve the issue.

This has been happening ever since you posted about the server IPs migrating here ... =46&t=6265

Any help/information you have here would be great.

Thank you!
o? 150? I usually have ~210 when I play, and that's "normal" with ET.

...Extra Terrestrial server providers! Must be why they are so cheap and crappy. Not compatible with human society! Burn damnit! Burn!!

 #79872  by Falcon
This is 150 plus whatever your ping normally is. So, 360 for you :P

 #79891  by John
Ok, so the server has been REALLY bad today. Maybe it needs to be reset and the provider given a good spanking.

 #80209  by John
The server needs another reset...Any news from our escaped turkey people?

Also another thought, the server lag seems to start in the second map on rotation, which is Vjun. So, is it just because that is as long as the server can last without lag or maybe the problem is with the Vjun map? Idk, just a thought.

 #80210  by echo
John wrote:Ok, so the server has been REALLY bad today. Maybe it needs to be reset and the provider given a good spanking.
Jaw said he talked to ET today and they said something about hosting the server on another computer.

 #80211  by jawfin
thats only because the server has been running for an hour without resetting
if ffa2 was our second map, then thats when the lag would start

they say they are migrating us to yet another server. they obviously did downgrade us as i suspected -.-

 #80213  by Yum

Highest I've ever seen(the ''Awaiting connection...'').

 #80215  by John
Lol Yum. Sure that wasn't during a reset?

 #80229  by AJ
Yumari wrote:Image

Highest I've ever seen(the ''Awaiting connection...'').
I was at 100 once when I first started playing...thought you had to get there to pass (like it was 100% loading or something)

 #80235  by Yum probably was./derpface.

 #80236  by John
So, the server was really bad today when I was on. I don't know what escaped turkey considers fixed but it's not the same idea as mine.

 #80239  by Rugg
I know I don't have much say with who we choose or keep as our server provider. However if they can't help us then it may be time to find another hosting company or whatever.

I'll be hopefully joining the US National Guard soon, and if that happens I can throw a little cash toward the server or finding a new host. Even if I just find a job. I've used this server quite exclusively since joining KR and I just feel I should help in some way. Other than gracing you all with my presence of course :P

 #80250  by AJ
The phrase "E.T. flown home" comes to mind...but he lags!

 #80409  by John
The server needs a reboot again...