Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #79525  by Falcon
Whew, they just never stop do they? :P

Yup, Jack passed his Knight trial with a score that could've got him through Masters :)

Status: Passed

Knight Trial for Jack Sparrow

Trialer : Falcon
Assistant : Rugg

1 vs 1:

1. Lost --(Falcon)
2. Won --(Rugg)
3. Won --(Falcon)
4. Won --(Rugg)
5. Won --(Falcon)
6. Won --(Rugg)
7. Lost --(Falcon)
8. Won --(Rugg)
9. Lost --(Falcon)
10. Won --(Rugg)

2 vs 1:

1. Won
2. Lost
3. Lost
4. Won
5. Lost

Final result: Won 7 / 10 (1 vs 1) & Won 2 / 5 (2 vs 1)

So, congrats to Jack Sparrow for passing his Knight trial! (psst Jack, you should make a tree post so i can update that too :P)

Oh, and congrats to...er, Darfin for training him :P

~Ranks, rosters updated~

 #79526  by Rugg
grats Jack!

 #79529  by Cross
congratz jacky!

 #79531  by Fazz
grats jack

 #79532  by Pyra
Congrats Jack, nicely done!

 #79534  by John
Good work!

 #79539  by Necros
Congrats Jack :D

 #79561  by MasterM
gratz man