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 #7454  by Squall
Hey its me blade :D.

Listen i have started a story myself. It contains mostly of UoL members but i have mentioned in my story about the KR academy, and i need the peoples ok to go ahead and use there name in the story and also KR name. I havent wote the chapter containing where we meet but i would like your ok to do so. if not then i will change it to some random thing.

At the moment im on chapter 4 (not done yet as this is the chapter containg you guys), they are very big chapters indeed. ( except chapter 1 which was the opening)

The peoples names are

Nintendo (confirmed)
Hime (confirmed)
Ronin (confirmed)

possible characters:


I need 3 more people in the story from kr....if you want to be then post and il see if i can add your name in and a good profile for you.

Also lastly but not least. the KR name.
Last edited by Squall on Fri Nov 10, 2006 1:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.

 #7455  by Akimoto
Huh? I don't understand... Do you need people (from the list)? Or people not in the list-

 #7456  by Squall
i need people from the list to confirm its ok to use them in the story. and 3 people not on the list.

Some parts are small but there is 3 people that have main parts i havent decided yet who it is, except hime is one of them.

 #7457  by Scythe
ermmm, i guess i'll volunteer to have my name used and or abused

 #7458  by Nintendo
Use my name as you wish blade. I trust you with it :)

 #7461  by Squall
May i just remind you though that i may or may not use certain people its just maybe for small or big roles.

 #7463  by Melissa
Yeah well hopefully you wont die in this one lol

ALthough he mentioned KR I think in it so im sure there will be some good parts in it!!

 #7466  by RoNin
go ahead and use my name :)

 #7469  by Kane
you can use my name :D although I do ask for a 10 credit cover charge for each use :P

wire transfer credits to Kitty's Catnip Ind.JKA.gam

 #7513  by Lessa
Of course you can use my name Blade! give me some small and short but interesting role =P

 #7516  by Squall
you have a critical role already lessa, its in the making, just fininshed your first encounter, and also KR's but ti wont be published here until im certain everything is ok with using the KR name