Show off any maps you've made or would recommend!

 #71322  by Evan
how about t3_bounty? its not to big not to small and it might be good for merc/emp wars :twisted: but may need some editing.. or mabye t2_rancor might be another good one (the one where u first meet the dreaded RANCOR!)

 #71325  by ForteGigasGos
Jawfin wrote:Did you /helpusobi 1 and noclip? Because that will bypass all the map triggers.
Didn't No clip, but I helpusobi 1 and full forced, just jumped right over the rock.

 #71388  by ForteGigasGos
Noticed you changed the direction that the barrier in t1_stamp moves, hate to say but you may need to put it the way it was. If someone is standing to close to it on the inside when its opened they get pushed through the floor, and if an admin isn't on they have to /kill or spec to get out.

 #71389  by jawfin
drat! i changed it because people were getting punched through the floor if it came down from above. I was hoping by keeping it below the floor it wouldnt knock them off the map! I'll look into it.

 #75538  by AJ
Growl I didn't wanna be a pain but this has always annoyed me...this floor does nothing!
Can we make it elevator or do something please if not it's fine just it annoys me lol

 #75887  by Yum
Maybe a part of t1_fatal? :P That map is real fun to play around on.
AJ wrote:Growl I didn't wanna be a pain but this has always annoyed me...this floor does nothing!
Can we make it elevator or do something please if not it's fine just it annoys me lol
Or maybe the whole area could be iced?...or maybe not, since it's used a little too often for duels. :< Then again, maybe a switch/elevator thing would work well, a lil' room right under there? Like a bar! :D

 #75891  by LumberWolf
maybe a hidden door on the metal grill or somthing...........just brainstorming, maybe a secret passage into Hoth, lol

 #77034  by Yum
I think having kor2 added would be cool.
I can see some of the areas being made into rooms! On top of the main pyramid could be the ffa zone, the path leading to Tavion could be some sort of duel area, and the area where you start out could be a chatting place. :)