Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!
 #66702  by Aayci Warrick
OK Go is a great band, but what made them famous and what is consistently making them unique is their music videos!

You can check out their amazing videos on their youtube channel,

But for this topic I particularly wanted to point out an amazing video that they recently released featuring a large Rube Goldberg machine and I must say that the people who built weren't only geniuses but artistic geniuses!

Last edited by Aayci Warrick on Fri Mar 05, 2010 12:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

 #66703  by RaVeN
OK GO is an amazing band - which means anyone here wont like them (oh no she didn't)

Did you just find out about them? Don't get me wrong, it's awesome you have heard of them and like them.

If you like them you should check out MGMT, Arctic Monkeys, and the Killers.


 #66704  by Aayci Warrick
lol no I've liked them for awhile, of course Here It Goes Again on the treadmills is what first introduced me to them, and I'm fans of those other bands as well! (though I've never heard of Artic Monkeys :shock: lol)

 #66705  by Pyra
A friend of mine recommended them to me before. :) Nice to see you appreciate them.

@RaVeN: Woot for the Killers! :D

 #66706  by jawfin
lol *sigh* these youngens :P

seriously though, I have also got The Killers "omg nowai" "wai"
yup, lol, from my son !!!!
(oh and after that fal too - but from my son first tho :P)

having said that, that video is awesome - lol piano's are always funny, i'll be thinking twice next time before i push my tonka truck around.

 #66712  by Akimoto
I love it.