this is my first time releasing my writing to the public, dont be too critical
this story is a bout Broon Fassa a young jedi who had a tragic youth and if you know KOTOR you might recognise a few names.
Chapter 1: Tragedy
I still remember it like it was yesterday. The day started like any normal day, i woke up and father was out in his workshop working on his speeder. Mother had breakfast ready as i walked down the stairs i could just smell the food, with my stomach growling i sat down eager to eat. i live on the planet of Shadren V. We lived in a small home with just enough room for me and my family which consists of my 2 brothers and my parents. My brothers, Galek and Reglin both work in the mines underwater. My father Gralin was a ex- swoop racer and he now works for a local garage that fixes swoops. I dont know much about what my mother does or did but all i know is she used to live on dantooine. My name is Broon and i am 9 years old. I currently repair droids for a kel'dor named kadine. I save up all my credits so i can buy the HK droid in his shop. He doesnt really respond to anything but when he does talk he speaks of killing. My mother has a friend over everyday but i do not know her name all i know is she is a cathar and my mother never lets me near when shes over.
After i ate breakfast, i went to my neighbor's house. Her name is Mission. she's a twil'ek and me and her have know eachother since we were 4. As we walked to town to go see what new droids were in for us to work on, we see a very large cruiser in the sky and 3 ships come down into the city's main hangar. I went into the shop and kadine told me to go home with a very worried tone in his voice. Me and mission turned around and realised HK was gone. We started heading home when we saw smoke coming from our houses. We ran as fast as we could towards home until we see a tall man in a silver suit and he stops us and tells us to walk in front of him. I saw the fear in Mission's eyes as we walked towards home. I saw my fathers garage explode and i started to tear up. Mission's house was completely gone and she ran to the rubble to see that nothing was left but ashes and her mother's jewelery. She started crying and another soldier picked her up and told her to shutup and sit down. My brother Galek was on his knees with a blaster rifle pointed to the back of his head. Reglin was nowhere to be seen. The soldier told me to look at Galek, as i looked at him i started to fear the worst, The soldier looks at me and laughs as he pulls the trigger. I saw my brother drop face down and he never moved again.
I saw the most scariest man i've ever seen in my life walk out of my house, he was holding a silver thing and a red light was beaming from it. This man's face was grey, scarred, and he had eyes redder than the light he was holding. As he looked at me he said, "You and your friend stand in front of me." Mission was already there and i tried to run but i found myself lifted in the air by nothing. I suddenly found myself in front of him with Mission next to me. As he lifted his light he was holding he said "any last words?" the next part was all a blur. I saw a blue light similar to his red one through his back coming out of his chest. As he fell to his knees i saw my mothers friend, She sadly said "sorry for your mother." she told us to go to the hangar and get in the cargo ship and hide. We got to the ship and once we got in the cargo hold we saw my mom's friend's daughter, Juhanni. She said that we need to be quiet and wait for her mother. Her mother never came and the ship lifted off. Me and Mission were hugging in a corner as we cried for our families. After what seemed like days we felt the pressure of us hitting an atmosphere. When the cargo door opened we jumped in a box and we felt the men carrying us, from the sound of it they were rodians, We were set down pretty hard and all 3 of us jumped out and found ourselves in a bright room and a young man approached us and asked us what we were doing in a box. Juhanni, who seemed the calmest explained what happened. As i listened my jaw dropped from the things i heard.
Apparently my mother and Mission's father were jedis and they stopped doing it to have a family. they moved in next to eachother just in case anything happened. Juhanni's mother was a jedi also. The sith or whatever she called them found out where they lived and they wanted to eliminate them. I started getting angry because they were killed for something they were and from the sound of it that isn't a bad thing. After a while of listening to her story, the young man spoke up and said, "My name is Vrook, welcome to Dantooine." I asked him what the light things i saw were, and he said, "In time you will find out."
to be continued...
this story is a bout Broon Fassa a young jedi who had a tragic youth and if you know KOTOR you might recognise a few names.
Chapter 1: Tragedy
I still remember it like it was yesterday. The day started like any normal day, i woke up and father was out in his workshop working on his speeder. Mother had breakfast ready as i walked down the stairs i could just smell the food, with my stomach growling i sat down eager to eat. i live on the planet of Shadren V. We lived in a small home with just enough room for me and my family which consists of my 2 brothers and my parents. My brothers, Galek and Reglin both work in the mines underwater. My father Gralin was a ex- swoop racer and he now works for a local garage that fixes swoops. I dont know much about what my mother does or did but all i know is she used to live on dantooine. My name is Broon and i am 9 years old. I currently repair droids for a kel'dor named kadine. I save up all my credits so i can buy the HK droid in his shop. He doesnt really respond to anything but when he does talk he speaks of killing. My mother has a friend over everyday but i do not know her name all i know is she is a cathar and my mother never lets me near when shes over.
After i ate breakfast, i went to my neighbor's house. Her name is Mission. she's a twil'ek and me and her have know eachother since we were 4. As we walked to town to go see what new droids were in for us to work on, we see a very large cruiser in the sky and 3 ships come down into the city's main hangar. I went into the shop and kadine told me to go home with a very worried tone in his voice. Me and mission turned around and realised HK was gone. We started heading home when we saw smoke coming from our houses. We ran as fast as we could towards home until we see a tall man in a silver suit and he stops us and tells us to walk in front of him. I saw the fear in Mission's eyes as we walked towards home. I saw my fathers garage explode and i started to tear up. Mission's house was completely gone and she ran to the rubble to see that nothing was left but ashes and her mother's jewelery. She started crying and another soldier picked her up and told her to shutup and sit down. My brother Galek was on his knees with a blaster rifle pointed to the back of his head. Reglin was nowhere to be seen. The soldier told me to look at Galek, as i looked at him i started to fear the worst, The soldier looks at me and laughs as he pulls the trigger. I saw my brother drop face down and he never moved again.
I saw the most scariest man i've ever seen in my life walk out of my house, he was holding a silver thing and a red light was beaming from it. This man's face was grey, scarred, and he had eyes redder than the light he was holding. As he looked at me he said, "You and your friend stand in front of me." Mission was already there and i tried to run but i found myself lifted in the air by nothing. I suddenly found myself in front of him with Mission next to me. As he lifted his light he was holding he said "any last words?" the next part was all a blur. I saw a blue light similar to his red one through his back coming out of his chest. As he fell to his knees i saw my mothers friend, She sadly said "sorry for your mother." she told us to go to the hangar and get in the cargo ship and hide. We got to the ship and once we got in the cargo hold we saw my mom's friend's daughter, Juhanni. She said that we need to be quiet and wait for her mother. Her mother never came and the ship lifted off. Me and Mission were hugging in a corner as we cried for our families. After what seemed like days we felt the pressure of us hitting an atmosphere. When the cargo door opened we jumped in a box and we felt the men carrying us, from the sound of it they were rodians, We were set down pretty hard and all 3 of us jumped out and found ourselves in a bright room and a young man approached us and asked us what we were doing in a box. Juhanni, who seemed the calmest explained what happened. As i listened my jaw dropped from the things i heard.
Apparently my mother and Mission's father were jedis and they stopped doing it to have a family. they moved in next to eachother just in case anything happened. Juhanni's mother was a jedi also. The sith or whatever she called them found out where they lived and they wanted to eliminate them. I started getting angry because they were killed for something they were and from the sound of it that isn't a bad thing. After a while of listening to her story, the young man spoke up and said, "My name is Vrook, welcome to Dantooine." I asked him what the light things i saw were, and he said, "In time you will find out."
to be continued...
PSN- JediJoe34
Steam - JediJoe34