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 #3532  by Hime
this is a random story about SAGE
hope you like it!

To be honest, I just want to be with everyone…
To do whatever others are doing….
Sharing their joy…as well as sorrow…
I just want to protect those who are important to me…..
Especially that person….

“I love weekends; especially when exams are over, that makes things even better!” Arcana thought while she was planning what to do during her holiday. She was looking forward to this weekend because there weren’t any trouble recently. She was done with her exams so there would be no need to worry about school work for this weekend. She was planning to go wild. Just that moment she heard her cell phone rang. She picked up and found out it was Lucious calling her. She signed because she was excepting someone else, and Lucious only calls when there is trouble. That always was not a very good thought. Either way, Arcana was not too thrill about picking up. Still, she had to because the group might need her help. She answered the call, and Lucious’s voice came through.

“Arcana! Ms. Solomon summoned us for a meeting. Meet us at the usual place in 2 hours.” then he hung up.
“That’s what I hate about that guy!” Arcana muttered as she started to get change. She headed to the front door when she was done preparing for this meeting. She heard her mother called for her when she was about to get out of the house.
“You cousin will be in town today. I hope that you can take him around town and have some fun. He is only going be for couple days or so.”
“Yes Mom, but I have to go right now! Say hi to him for me, I will get back as soon as I can.” Then she headed out.

When arrived at school, she found out that Ling and Serenity were already there. Somehow, Arcana got the feeling like those two always show up together, and she didn’t like it. It was not a big surprise when Lucious arrived right on the second. Then Sakar showed up. They headed into the school building to Solomon’s office. The door of the school and the office were opened for them. The only strange thing is that Ms. Solomon was no where to be found. The five were confused. Ling then explored further inside and when he stepped into the room a light sprung out from the round. They saw a figure came out in the light, it was Ms. Solomon.
“I sure you are surprised that I am not here at the moment. I am going to take a trip for about five to seven days. I trusted that you guys can handle yourselves. Even though you people are still rookies and you guys are still very much hopeless, I am just going assume that you people will be alright. Well, that’s it. See all of you later. Bye!!” Then the image disappeared.
“Seriously, she still thinks that we are rookies? I mean look at what we have been through so far….” Arcana muttered. Then suddenly the image sprung out from the ground again just when Arcana finished her complaint.
“By the way, ignore that loud mouth Arcana you guys. I am sure she must be complaining right now. She really needs to know her own limits. Ling, I place everything in your hands for now. See ya!”
“Ohhhh!! Now she had done it! But what she said is true anyways. We cannot ignore that fact.” Lucious said. Then he noticed Arcana was standing right behind him with a massive killing intent coming out from her eyes. Lucious then ran out to the hallway and Arcana ran right behind him, after that all hell broke loose. There were sounds of the dragon blast or whatever device Arcana was using and mixed with screams coming from the defenseless Lucious. Serenity wanted to go out there and calm Arcana down but Sakar stopped her.
“It is better this than other things.” Sakar said.
“Besides, this is like our daily drama in this group. Well, shall we go eat? It is almost lunch time anyways.” Ling added and then the three headed off.

When Arcana return home after turning Lucious into a crisp, she saw her parents were talking to a young man. He looks a bit younger than Arcana, but with silver white hair. Her mother noticed Arcana and said.
“Welcome back dear, this is your cousin Carlos. You guys haven’t seen each other for almost ten years now. Come on and give him a tour around town.”
“Hello, it has been a long time isn’t it Arcana? I am looking forward to see your skill level as a member of our clan.”
“What are you talking about?” Arcana looked confused.
“Oh I got for to tell you dear. Carlos here is major in geo elemental alchemy, just like you major in Flame Alchemy. He has gotten pretty good. Now go and have some fun both of you.” said Arcana’s mother.
Arcana then took Carlos out to town and she wanted to take him to the school. Carlos was surprised when he found out Arcana’s school’s location. They decided to walk through the forest rather than taking the train up there. As they were walking, they heard a huge noise. Carlos got curious and wanted to see what’s going on. Before Arcana could stop him, they saw a huge shadow cast on the ground. It came from a huge rock creature. The golem was so huge that it towers over even the tallest tree in the forest.
“What’s a Rock golem doing here?” Carlos asked. Arcana could only wonder what Merrick had got himself into this time around. Just when they were still in the state of confusion, Arcana saw Merrick running toward them in fear and screaming like a little girl. Merrick was covered in mud. It was obvious that was he thrown into a mud pile when he was running. Arcana took Merrick by the collar and questioned him.
“Okay. What in the heck you got us into this time? Speak now or forever hold your peace!” Arcana said as she was pointing her flame blaster against Merrick’s face. Before Merrick could say anything, the three saw the golem’s feet was going to tremble over them.

 #3791  by Hime
Ling and the others were having lunch at a family restaurant near by the school. It’s a popular place because it is very convenient for students since it’s near the school. The group often met there for parties and big dinner because the children of this place’s owner are part of the group. The most important thing is that the meals are good and the price is reasonable. Lucious managed to catch up to them a bit later. When Ling, Serenity and Sakar saw Lucious, they couldn’t help themselves but laughed out loud. That’s because Lucious looked more like a burned turkey with an Afro. He just sighed at the situation.
“That volcano girl should learn when to pile down, and I love this jacket too.” Lucious said as he was busy dusting off ashes off his jacket.
“Well that cannot be helped. It is better you getting burn or we suffer along with it. Besides it was rather fun watching you two playing cat and mouse.” Sakar added. Normally Lucious would teach Sakar a lesson by now, but he was too tired from running to begin with. Therefore, he didn’t pay any attention to anything but food.
“I wonder where Ms. Solomon is going. It is not like her to left in such a rush. I think it is something ready bad.” Serenity said.
“I don’t think there is anything to worry about, knowing her and her personality. And, come on, she IS one of the legends among her kind. What do you think Ling?” Sakar replied.
“I don’t know. What do you say Lucious?” Ling then looked at Lucious. However he was too busy stuffing himself. That was no point talking anymore once he is like this. Ling then decided to take it easy for now. In the mean time, no body noticed there was smoke coming out from the mountain where their school is located.

“What? You were doing an experiment? Then you did something which you have no idea what so ever that made that golem start going crazy?” Arcana yelled while she was dodging the attacks from the golem.
“Hey! Even genius makes mistakes sometimes! Plus I am suffering from my mistakes now as well!” Merrick answered. Arcana grunted a bit then took out an orb looking like device from her bag and threw it towards the golem’s chest. Then she took out her dragon blast at the same time and fire. When the fire from the dragon blast made contact with the orb like device, the orb started to absorb the fire and changed color from red to black. The orb became a pile of black tar and spread across the golem’s body once it reached the golem’s chest. Then it was followed by a huge explosion and the sound of the golem’s impact with the ground.
“Easy done, easy job.” Arcana praised her skills. Merrick was about to cry because Arcana destroyed his prototype.
“Guys, I hate to bring news but….” Carlos had his finger pointed out. Arcana and Merrik saw the Golem got up. The attack Arcana dished out only caused a huge burnt mark across the golem’s chest and that didn’t seem anything close to effective.
“What did you do to this golem again?” Arcana asked.
“Well, it has extra armor. It was designed to withstand heavy attacks. That’s why the golem’s movement is a bit slower that the usual ones. Not mention this kind of golem packs a harder punch then the usual ones too.”
“Is there any weak point?”
“Yes, the fore head. It is the weakest part of the golem.”
“Why didn’t you tell me this sooner?”
“Well you didn’t ask.” Merrick answered as Arcana attempt to choke the life out of him.
“Let me try something, but I need you guys to buy me sometime.” Carlos said. There wasn’t any time to explain; Arcana and Merrick ran in front of the golem to get its attention and they started to run around the golem. Carlos then put his right hand flat down on the ground. Then a green light came out as Merrick pull his hand up and a structure started to take form. Arcana noticed this and knew every second counts. Then after a while, Carlos finished his work and a stone canon was form.
“Let’s give it one hell of a blast.”
Then the canon fired.

“Ling, come on! It is not like we can have this kind of free time everyday.” Serenity said. She was running ahead of Ling on a grass land somewhere near the school mountain. Ling was slowly following behind her. Lucious and Sakar decided to head back to the dorm. Ling was about to do the same when Serenity asked him to go take a walk with her. At this moment, Serenity was running across the grass field or sometimes walking backwards looking at Ling. She was smiling like a child.
“You seem to be more open now. I still remember the first time we meet. Man, you were so sly to the point that I thought I offend you in everyway or something.”
“Really? I guess I wasn’t too skilled in interacting with people. After meeting you, my life changed a lot. It is much more colorful.” Serenity grew red as she said. Then she turned around.
“I wish we can always stay this way….that I can protect things that are important to me, and people who are dear to me. I wish to see everyone’s smile.”
“I never knew you have so many wishes. Me too, I am happy at what are things going right now. There are lots to improve still; and we still need to move on in order to face whatever’s coming this way in the future. I still need a lot of training”
Serenity smiled, she approached Ling and stared into his eyes. Ling was totally obvious of what is Serenity’s trying to do. Serenity just smiled, dragged Ling by the arm and ran all around the place. Ling was surprised how lively she is. Serenity suddenly let go of Ling arm and he lost balance and fall flat on the face. It was a good thing that it was a grass plain, or else it will hurt. When Ling got his face up from the ground, he found out Serenity was standing in front of him, offering her hand to Ling to pull him up.
“You know….I always wanted to tell you…..”
Then they heard sounds of huge objects falling on the ground and saw a lot of dust and smoke coming out from the mountain.
“Let’s go…..we can talk later.” Ling said.

 #4576  by Hime
“You know, if we survive this…..I am so going to use you as my next weapons test.” Arcana yelled to Merrick as she was running away from the golem’s attacks.
“Hey! It is not that bad! At least we are still alive.” Merrick whined. Carlos fired the canon towards the golem’s fore head, but the golem managed to catch the canon ball with its arms. Even though the canon did hit its target, the force was so strong that the right arm of the golem broke off from its body. As everyone rejoiced, the golem used its left arm to pick up its right arm of reinsert it back. Arcana finally lost it when she saw this.
“What did you do this time???” Arcana asked Merrick.
“Well, the self repair system seems working.”
“Self-repair? To this extend? I am going to kill you. Assuming this thing didn’t kill us first.” Arcana said to Merrick. Carlos on the other hand tried to create a more powerful weapon from the ground. He found out he needed more time but the situation weren’t going to give him any. Arcana then took out the same orb looking device and aimed at the golem’s forehead and shoot. The golem blocked it with its huge arm and then the self repair made the attack seem no effect at all.
“Okay, we are in trouble. But we still need to stop this thing from going down the mountain.” Carlos finally admitted.
“Yea, but how? I am open to fresh ideas.” Merrick asked. Everyone was as silence as stars. Just then, Arcana saw some water running towards the golem’s feet and started to spread upwards to the golem’s body. The golem tried to flick it off with its hands, but the water froze as soon as the golem’s hands made contact with the water. This turn of events made Carlos completely speechless.
“What took you guys so long?” Arcana yelled out.
“Who are you talking to?” Carlos was confused.
“My friends.” Arcana looked up into the sky and she pointed to a yellow light coming towards the golem. The yellow light shaped like an arrow going in high speed. It was aimed straight for the golem’s for head. As the light approached closer to the golem, the golem’s arms broke free from the ice and raised its arms in an attempt to block the light. But, the yellow pierced through the arms and made a direct hit on the golem’s forehead. Then, the golem finally broke into a number of pieces and crumbled down. Arcana rushed towards the light’s direction and waved at it. Carlos saw the light changed into a human’s shape. Then, he saw clearly a person holding a sword which emitting huge amounts of blue light standing in midair.

Carlos still had his jaw dropped. Then a voice came out from the back.
“What a show off, isn’t he? You don’t have to show that kind of face kid.” Then another voice came in.
“Yes, that’s all because of his fancy wind-spells or whatnot. It’s nothing big.”
“I got to get him to teach me how to do this one day.”
Carlos turned around and saw two people emerged from the shadow. One person dressed like a gentlemen. The other had an afro like hair style and he looked like he just return from being the main course of the BBQ menu.
“Who are you?” Carlos asked.
“Not who are we but who are you? Geez, do I have to wipe his memory clean? I’d love to.” Sakar said. Arcana came over and told them about Carlos. Carlos looked over and he saw a long rode-hooked figure walking towards them. The figure was holding some sort of long staff. Lucious and Arcana turned around and waved at the figure. Carlos saw water started to flow towards the hooked figure and then gathered at the back. Carlos was about to speak then a came from behind.
“Hey guys! What happened this time? What’s with the golem?” it was the person who was descending from midair before. Carlos took a closer look of the person. He was dressing in some sort of Asian looking long rode and holding a Chinese long sword. The hooked figure almost removed the hood. Carlos was even more surprised that was a girl who processed such power. She had short blond hair and pale white skin. Her eyes were as blue as the clear sky. She walked towards the person whom still descending from the sky and smile at him.
“Who’s that?” Carlos asked
“That person, my friend, is Serenity. She controls water anyways she desires. She is very different than that fury breath over there.” Lucious answered, and Sakar laughed after hearing it.
“Who are calling a beautiful fury breath?” Arcana came up from behind and bounded Lucious and Sakar with her dragon blast. That led to a twelve year old game of tag. Carlos was amazed about how these people can take this situation in such a casual manner. Then, he saw a person walked towards him. It was the person who took down the golem in one shot. Carlos finally could get a closer look at him. The person looked at the current situation and smiled. He spoke to Arcana.
“Well, that works too for projectile weapon. Who’s this over here? He did a pretty good job disarming the golem’s arm. A friend of yours?”
“Well, he is my cousin, Carlos. He is going to be here for a few days. Don’t worry, he can handle a few sharp turns and fire works.” Arcana said.
“Ah!!...Carlos, I am Ling. Nice to meet you.” Ling stretched out his hand for a hand shake.
“Wait. What kind of group is this? Some super-friends type thing? “ Carlos asked. Arcana let out a smile and she took out a corn with an icon on it. Carlos saw four letters:


“Man…I feel left out” Merrick thought as he looked at the original five introduced themselves.
“Okay, we took care of the rock thingie. So what do we do now?” Ling asked.
“The usual, the usual.” Lucious answered. Everyone sighed when they heard that.

By the end of the day, they all ended up where they started: the family restaurant. Ling, Serenity and Carlos were having their random chit chat. Sakar was trying to retain himself from laughing too much at the eating contest between Arcana and Lucious. Carlos wanted to know more about SAGE and about their members. He took an interest in Serenity and her natural abilities with water. He was also amazed by eastern magic which Ling processes.
“So…what does S A G E stands for?” Carlos asked. Everyone became speechless once they heard that.
“Let’s …..not go there again. We tried it once…it didn’t go too well.” Lucious said. Everyone nodded in response. It looked like as if they were bringing up other memories that scared them for life*.
“You know what? Let’s drop this and talk about something else. Maybe I can tell you how this little club got started.” Arcana said.
“Before you tell me anything, maybe you can tell me how many people are in this group? That is if you don’t mind telling me.” Carlos asked. Ling looked at Lucious. Lucious shook his head.
“You know…I kind of lost count. I thin we have like around 46 people or so...”
“That’s not like you. You usually keep track on everything. Not to mention you have the habit of going two to three steps ahead of everyone else.” Arcana said.
“Are you saying that I am always scheming? Unlike you, who gives people your fist first then ask questions later. I am surprised that we actually made it this far.”
“Cut it out you two! You guys like each other or something? Geezz! Can I have moment of peace without you two exchanging insults like professionals?” Sakar finally spoke out. Carlo’s questions remained unanswered.

*For more information on this, please wait for the behind-the-scenes addition.*

 #5417  by Nintendo
A Very Nice Long READ!

all I have to say for this is WOW.

Behind-the-scenes addition? o.O

 #5620  by Hime

After a chaotic dinner with the group, Carlo still had no idea what S A G E is all about except they are like a super hero team with lots of members. Most of all, his cousin was one of the founding members of this group. It was not too hard for Carlos to take in. The only thing weird was the team had no leader. Even though the team work was nicely performed, but there is no leader type figure among them. Everyone was calling the shots at the right time. Then again, everyone was look at Ling when it was time for action. Carlos couldn’t sleep even though he needed it. He got up looked outside the window and thought about the group.
Then he heard a noise. He saw looked out the window and saw Ling was outside the door. Carlos was just about open the window to ask what’s going on, then he saw Arcana ran out from the house and the two of them ran away. Carlos then got dressed and tried to follow them. He thought going out the doorway was going to take more time so he climbed down from his window. He managed to catch up to Arcana and Ling in a safe distance. The only problem was darkness. He was not used to move in the dark.
“Good thing I brought this along with me.” Carlos thought to himself as he took out a device. The metallic device looked like a Beetle. He put the device on the ground and the beetle looking device started to spread it wings and flew at a certain direction. Carlos then followed it. Carlos made this beetle “track”. Carlos designed it to track on people’s movements and it works similar to Arcana’s “seeking light”. He was tracking down where his cousin was going. As Carlos tracking his cousin, someone was looking at him from a roof top of a house.
“Looks to me the night is still young, very young.”

“You have to be kidding me right? Please tell me you are.” Lucious said to Serenity as he was staring at what’s in front of him. Serenity shook her head. They were staring at a very big hole on the side of the cliff which is next to the ocean. Then they saw Arcana and Ling arrived. Arcana’s eyes were wide opened.
“Not only it is a bit late for going to the beach but….WHOA!! What is that?”
“More important….who or what caused that?”
“Ling, you are talking like Lucious now…it is freaking me out!” Arcana said as Ling and Lucious started to take a look around the surroundings. Most of the big rocks already sunk into the depths of the ocean, but there were some managed to land on the beach. The hole looked like a natural cave in. Now, there is nothing but a very big hole with sea water rushing in. The only thing that did not back that up is that there was no earthquake or anything big. Everyone was searching for clues as a voice came out.
“AH-HA…someone must have done this in order to wrack chaos in this town!! Or the government did some top secret operation that went wrong and it escaped!”
“Marco! Don’t get started with your government top secret whatever thing that hurts my head! Okay! Who called him here?” Arcana asked.
“I did. I know he is a little bit off but he is the man to look around for clues. Maybe, just maybe this turns out exactly what he thinks it is. We have no way of knowing right?” Lucious answered.
“By the way, I picked up a baggage along the way. I don’t who’s this or who is he belongs to. But I am sure one of you guys knows him.” Marco said as he threw down a huge, lone bag on the ground. The bag seemed to be moving. Lucious walked up and opened the bag. Then the five screamed.
“What!! How did Carlos get in there? Marco…”
“Well, I was on the way getting here. Then I spotted this guy snuffing around. I wonder if it was some government under cover agents sent here to spy on us or something. I couldn’t take any risks, so I..”
“Okay! Okay….I got your point. So you found him and bagged him here.” Ling responded.
“Is he alright?”
“Don’t worry Serenity. He is still alive. So it doesn’t really matter.” Arcana said.
“Enough chit-chat, Marco…can you take a look at the place? We shouldn’t be out here too long.”
“You know what Ling? Before I do anything, I would suggest that we should seal up this place before day break. This is not gonna look good. The problem is how are we supposed to do that?”
Carlos finally managed to get up. He caught anyone’s attention by screaming out loud. Ling got him up and Arcana asked him why he was following them. Marco and the others were still looking for ways to sealing the whole.
“Carlos, can you find a way to seal this hole? You are a geo Alchemist after all.” Sakar said.
“Well I can but…this is bit too big. The moment I have rocks up there, the y will fall down. I need something to hold the formation for just a little while.”
“Great! We have a useless guy working on this. Some geo major you are.”
“Hey! What does that mean cousin? I don’t see you or that long hair guy doing anything!”
“Now wait a minute! When did all of that concern me? I don’t care whose relative you are, but you better watch your mouth. And yea, I cannot anything in this situation personally.”
“CUT IT OUT!! You people are acting like bunch of twelve year olds! Let me deal with it thoughtfully! Ling, what do you think we should do?” Sakar said. Ling just smack his forehead when he heard that.
Everyone fell into deep silence.

“Very thoughtfully done Sakar, asking me for help when you said you can deal with it.”
“Hey! I didn’t say I am going to deal with it myself! I thoughtfully place this important task on you, our fearless leader.”
“Actually, I think leaving this cave open is fine. We cannot do anything for now. Plus, this looks like a normal cave in for me. I would like to explore what’s inside.”
“Good idea….maybe we will stumble across some government secret lab or some secret base, or even weapon testing grounds.” Marco kept going with the list. There was little he knew that everyone went inside the cave already, leaving him outside on the beach and in the cold. He kept on talking….
Inside the cave, Ling and the others started to look around. The only thing they saw was nothing more than a very big hole. However, the structure looked as if the cave was trying to hold something inside. Whatever was it in was long gone.
“Well, no point to keep looking…..let’s go home shall we?” Arcana said.
“Well there is bound to be something here. Like what was in here, and the cause of the cave in. You guys can go I will take a look around here for a while.” Lucious said.
“Nope, you are coming with us. We can leave this to Marco, this will keep him happy for the entire week.” Ling said as he pulled Lucious away from the cave. Carlos stepped up to Ling and the others as they were leaving.
“Guys, I need to ask you something.”
“What is it?”
“I want to join S A G E”
Everyone fell silent. The only sound around was sound of people dropping their flash lights due to the shock.

 #6328  by Hime
“Seriously, you want to join S A G E?”
“Yes, I believe I can be a very useful member in this group. Ling, please let me join.”
“Hey why are you only talking to Ling about this? What about the others? Sure, Ling is the all-mighty sword waving guy. But this is a team, we need everyone’s concern.” Acrana said to Carlos.
“I thought Ling is the leader. So I thought I talking to him was the most logical way.”
“We don’t exactly have a leader or something. Ling just happens to make the right decisions at the right time and at the right place.” Sakar explained.
‘Still, can I join you guys? It will be really cool.”
“You are just going to be here for a couple of days. Forget about this and get back to your studies” Arcana said. Carlos seems rather disappointed.
“At the very least, you know your talented cousin is a founder of a group right?” Ling said to Carlos
“More like the short-tempered-easy-to-give-fist-to people girl, or the likes-to-burn-down-everything-crazy-woman.” Lucious muttered to himself while Arcana went up behind him with a long piece of wood she picked up from along side the beach. Again, all hell broke loose from there.
“You know Carlos, I have to give you this but you sure have it hard.” Marco said to Carlos. The others just laughed at the current situation. It was not something that they have never seen before; but it was fun to watch the drama between Lucious and Arcana.
“Still I think Serenity and I will go into these waters to see what’s under here. That’s it for today, let’s go back.” Then everyone left except Serenity and Ling.
“You sure wanted to do this now? I don’t know if I can get us down very deep. It is very dark down there.”
“Not to worry, we have Ling and his sword. I have this prepared.” Lucious took out three big flash lights. Those are for underwater use purpose.
“Where did you get your hand on these? Plus, I am not very good underwater with you around. Serenity I have no worries. You, on the other hand…..” Ling asked.
“I have my own sources. Can we go now and stop worrying about me?”
Serenity walked to the shore and pointed her staff to the waters. The water curled around and opend up a hole which became a water tunnel. The three then jumped inside the tunnel and the water would carry them to where they want to go. Ling then drew out his sword and uses its light to see what’s in front of them. What’s in front of them was another big hole located underwater. The three decided to go inside to take a closer look. The cave looked like a cage but the bars were broken. There were a lot of straight snatch marks on the wall.
“Wow that must be one really big and ugly thing in there. Just look at those crawl marks.”
“Lucious, take a look at these crawl marks….look closer those are bite marks. I have never seen anything this big before. Well, anything organic in this size.” Ling said.
“Seriously, we haven’t seen everything in this world. Don’t be so surprise, but yea…..I have never seen marks this huge before.”
“Guys, I don’t mind be rude, but this place is giving me the creeps. Can we go back up to the surface now? We are defenseless here. Plus, I am scared.” Serenity said as she was shivering from the atmosphere of the place. Ling and Lucious nodded and they went back to the surface by the same tunnel. As they were going up, the three saw a huge shadow went by under them. There were two huge lights shining at the front of the shadow. The big shadow slipped by just like a flash. It was really fast but it was so big that no one was able to miss it. However, the three were so shaken up they couldn’t see the shape of the shadow.
“Wha…What was that? Can anyone of you tell me if I was seeing things or there was some really big thing passed by us? Those two light things were eyes right?” Lucious’s voice starting to shake, so as Serenity’s. Ling patted Serenity’s shoulder to calm her down even though he was terrified as well. Serenity could barely stop her shaking in order to maintain the water tunnel. To Lucious’s very surprise, the tunnel was leaking. If they did not move fast, they might as well all drown. They slowly went up to the top. They collapsed on the ground the moment they reached the surface. They still couldn’t shake off that uneasy feeling of what they saw back there.
“What are you guys going to do without me around? And why are you all wet?” Ling looked up and she Arcana, Carlos and Sakar were still there. Marco, on the other hand, went inside the cave to look for clues already. Arcana pulled Ling up by the arm and dust off the sand on his shoulders.
“Seriously, what happened down there? It is not like you to be freaked out like this. What have you found down there?”
“Seriously, you wouldn’t believe it.” Ling told Arcana about the huge shadow they saw back there. Arcana appear to be shocked and then she griped Ling’s arm very hard.
“How many times do I have to tell you to run back when you see something is wrong? How many times do you have to make me worry like this? What am I going to do if you….:”
“Hey!! What about me and Serenity? We were there with him also. Why do you only concern his safety only?” Lucious complained but he got a punch in the face by Arcana as a response. Serenity, Ling and Carlos had their jaw dropped wide open upon seeing this. Sakar just had his back turn on the situation in an attempt to retain himself from laughing too much.
“Remember, if you try to be a daredevil again by any chance. I am NOT going to forgive you. I am going to blast you back to last Tuesday. You got that?” the she turned around. Ling was left speechless there.
“It’s alright, that’s why we are here to avoid anyone of one to go into the face of danger alone right? That was the reason we banded together in the first place isn’t it? Please don’t worry, as long as you are here, and we are here, no one is going to get hurt.” Serenity said to Arcana as she walked up to her. Ling smiled and called everyone to go back to the dorms.
“Let’s call it a night. We have enough problems to deal with already.”