Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!

 #62002  by Seraphim
great discovery made by u War.... ill watch the vid later tho... its 2 am

 #62098  by jawfin
Well, I watched it, and, as a software engineer I am blown away by this technology. I may even have to bother to get on-board!

 #62113  by Akimoto

 #62200  by Aayci Warrick
yes, it is pretty mind blowing and I have never programmed anything in my life lol, I think it will take awhile to get used to this sort of set up, it will probably start with business and adults and slowly trickle down to teenagers and everyday things like forums, blogs, and social websites

Changing the norm and being intuitive, google is changing technology more than ever by bringing these conveniences to us! Go google!

 #62358  by Chantelle
Believe it or not

This isn't actually as newer concept as you may think.

Collaboration tools and company wide documentation and communication PLM and ERP built into communication systems are kind of there

What this will do is deliver a front end to collaborate this stuff. Developers for modern web apps would have been doing similar personalised things for a few years now.

Still impressive though

its a richer environment and more collaborated than we exist to have.

 #62361  by jawfin
Yea, I hear that. I've developed Document Trackers, PIMs, Scheduling etc. apps so conceptually its not foreign; its just the scale and interface of it.

 #62440  by Chantelle
Where I work anyone in IT regardless of whether your software or networking engineer we all chip in and share the support help desk

But could you imagine this app for someone who solely runs a helpdesk at a place or a support center

Could be very handy, could of course be a mess and get overloaded.

 #62503  by SilentOne
yeah im not gonna sit at my pc for a hour and a half watching does look awesome though