Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!

 #62243  by Pyra
._. Is it sad that half that stuffed has happened to some members of my family?

 #62245  by Reflex
I lol'd when the dog jumped in. heh Funny stuff :lol:

 #62247  by Necros
Dag gummit!

 #62248  by ForteGigasGos
May I ask what Raven does during the day? She seems to have a lot of free time to find this stuff =.=

 #62249  by jawfin
Luckily in my country we have these little switches that can be used to turn motors off. Unluckily, we don't use them either >.<

 #62259  by saunby
This is ultimately one of the funniest blooper videos I have ever seen lol, some of it is so genius it must have been set up haha

 #62276  by blacki
hahahaha funny stuff ... the battery ,the dogs,and the cameraman are the best XD