Til then am awaiting my grisely end at hands of ....whatever it is that kills me

Hime wrote:“Remember your name now is HIME. Forget about your past, whatever sins you carried dies with you at this moment. You are longer your past self…..you are HIME. You are blessed by the force.”I have to admit, that was the first think i discovered when just looking at it xD
Lessa jumped in front of HIME stopping her from advancing towards Danger.
“I am joining this fight whether you like it or not. He was my master too if your memories serves you right. I, too, have the right to do what’s right. If you don’t like the sound of that: Cry Me A River.”
HIME just smiled after hearing this. Lessa knew that HIME approved and they now posted a double stance. The two girls are both very famous of their combination attacks. Danger just kept of charging towards the two.
“You ready?”
“I am always ready….cannot believe we have to use this today Lessa.”
HIME on the left and Lessa on the right with their saber ignited and started their well know combination attack. Since the time after HIME was taken in by Danger, Lessa and HIME joined forces for countless times. The two developed this double attack combination “Dance of the Maidens”. A very coordinated combination between the two, they will shift styles, positions, and speeds at any time they wish. Nintendo continue his fight with Templar. The fight was in a deadlock. Nintendo and Templar gained no advantage against each other what so ever in the fight so far. Kane and Starcommand fought against Chantelle. Chantelle light saber whip was too hard to find any openings even with Star and Kane work together. Chantelle swung her whip around and began to twirl the whip around her. As if a light saber spiral was covering her from head to toe in order to protect her from any attacks, which is the reason why Star and Kane couldn’t find any openings.
Tricky was facing off Martin, but he was not doing as well as he thought. Tricky’s weapon is not a light saber but a huge regular sword. His attacks are swing his sword so that it drew a circle on the ground with the blade, then he would give it a full swing to knock his enemy or enemies to all sorts of direction. That worked very well for Tricky in a mobbing fight; that did not work as well against Martin. Martin jumped and steps on Tricky’s sword and kicked him right in the face. Tricky got launched right into the wall. Martin wanted to go up and finish Tricky with one blow, but a beam of white light came out and stopped the attack.
“Guess you have to dance with me for awhile for now. Hey Mask boy! Go take care of incoming troopers.”
“Don’t give me orders! By leave the troopers to me!” Tricky then jumped outside to take care of the troopers.
Danger is now having somewhat harder time facing off his former students. He tried to run somewhere else to fight. Then again, he found HIME caught up to him everywhere he went.
”You are not going anywhere….you cannot out run me before…you are not going to do it now.” HIME said. Then she found out that she fell into Danger’s trap. If he couldn’t beat the two maidens, he just had to beat them one by one. HIME has a much fast speed than Lessa and Danger, while Danger has a faster speed than Lessa. By that, it was easy for Danger to separate HIME and Lessa. The plan worked perfectly. HIME knew that Lessa couldn’t catch with her that fast and Danger is far too powerful to face him by her normal self. She then saw Lessa from a distance, but HIME needs to stop danger now. Lessa wouldn’t make it in time before Danger kills her. Lessa was desperately trying to catch up because she knew what Danger’s plan is. She then heard HIME’s voice from the communicator.
“Do not worry about me…..turn back. Do not try to stop me……please forgive me…I am sorry….you know you are not going to make it…”
“But HIME!!! ….You are not going to use THAT now are you? You spend YEARS suppressing it!!.....Please….I am near…I will be there soon….”
“Don’t lie to me…I sense you from miles away……Thank you for everything from then….till now…it has been …fun.” HIME then switched her communicator off. HIME then looked at Danger with a sad smile. Tears of Blood ran down her face as her eyes are turning blood red and her hair was starting to turn grey. Then HIME’s expression changed from a sad smile to a smirk then she started to giggle in an innocent yet menacing voice.
“Well, well, well. Aren’t this just like that time…you remember? Not that I care but I would be enjoy doing this. FINALLY I am cut loose, just to see how far I can go….”
Her hair was turning even greyer as she charged to towards Danger with her saber.
“So…you do not remember your name? Nor how did you ended up in the cave? You do not remember who trained you?” Lessea asked the girl. The girl did not say anything but kept on shaking her head as an answer.
“It seems she recovered well. Her mental state as stalling at a rate that no one has ever seen. I can sense the both sides of the force are repairing her systems.” Danger said to his padawan. He looked at the girl and smile. The girl just stared back at Danger with any expression on her face.
“Maybe is a good idea to take her around the academy. It is not good for her health to be locked inside her room all the time. Lessa, why don’t you take her around?”
“Sure, I was having the same idea! Come on, let’s go take a walk shall we?” Lessa then took the girl by her hand and they both walked out of the medical center. Danger was watching the two heading off then he sensed someone behind him.
“So….this is the girl you brought back from your little trip huh? Even she is like this how, but I do sense something else about this girl. You sure you are just going to send her out like this?”
“Yes I am sure, Nintendo. Yes I am.”
“Had she introduce herself to us yet? Or you fail to get the name like always?” Nintendo asked.
“Nope, she hadn’t spoken a word ever since she woke up. I only heard her voice once when she was screaming. I am sure most of the masters here noticed this anyways.”
“This can be bad….you know about the new students who are dying to have taste of real saber fighting against a sith right? What makes you think Lessa can protect her from everyone that comes after the girl?”
“Oh….no” Danger and Nintendo rushed out right away.