Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!

 #58585  by peste
idk if the poll works lol.. but u can just say yes through replies:) or no..

 #58586  by SilentOne
hmm i think thats funny considering our member..senbou made those if im i right?

 #58587  by jawfin
Lol yup, they are own little precious Senbou's alright :)

Thing is, I had already asked him if he wanted them on the server, but he said he knows they can't be as they are too far from the default sabers, especially his nine-bladed shield :P

Still, Sen will be wrapped to see how much you like them Peste!!!

 #58588  by ForteGigasGos
Not made by Sen, unless he is Dyyor.
Sorry Peste, on is a backword saber the can't attack proper, and the shield is to short range wise, look cool, but change offensive capability. Plus the shield can't do the duels barrier attack.

Was making the post at the time, didn't see Jaw's post. So it is Sen's.

 #58589  by Phreedom
Sen is dyyor i believe.

 #58590  by Greed
He is, but he sabers r just 2 wierd imo @_@

 #58616  by Akimoto
SilentOne wrote:hmm i think thats funny considering our member..senbou made those if im i right?

 #58618  by BadWolf
Gospel wrote:Not made by Sen, unless he is Dyyor.
Sorry Peste, on is a backword saber the can't attack proper, and the shield is to short range wise, look cool, but change offensive capability. Plus the shield can't do the duels barrier attack.

Was making the post at the time, didn't see Jaw's post. So it is Sen's.
lol yes im dyyor, i used to be in the clan, and i still keep the name for modding mostly

the shield cant perform the barrier correctly because thats how i set it, wasnt going to work right if their bands flung off the users wrists :\

which saber was backwards again? XD

anyway, thnx for showing your interest in my pack peste, but as i told jaw as much as id love to have my babies on server they are just too unfair, the shield being dual wielded alone would be epic pwnzor XD