Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #56913  by Necros
Well, our dear Wolferion has begun his path for a second saber. Namely, that of the single saber. I am pleased to announce that Wolf has passed, with almost flying colors (I made sure it was an almost...even if it was only by one D: .)

Status: Passed

Knight Trial for Wolferion

Trialer : Necros
Assistant : Downcast

1 vs 1:

1. Won --(Necros)
2. Won --(Downcast)
3. Won --(Necros)
4. Won --(Downcast)
5. Won --(Necros)
6. Won --(Downcast)
7. Won --(Necros)
8. Won --(Downcast)
9. Won --(Necros - Masters level)
10. Won --(Downcast - Masters level)

2 vs 1:

1. Won
2. Won
3. Won
4. Won
5. Lost --(Masters level)

Final result: Won 10 / 10 (1 vs 1) && Won 4 / 5 (2 vs 1)

He definitely proved that he's worthy of the title Knight in Single. Congratulations mate, well deserved indeed.
 #56915  by Wolferion
I'll make sure you don't forget that lost masters level duel as you beat me up in the masters 2vs1 :D Jk ^^ Thanks for the time, now I'm officialy capable of teaching 2 sabers, let's get the work done :)
 #56917  by Necros
Wolferion wrote:I'll make sure you don't forget that lost masters level duel as you beat me up in the masters 2vs1 :D Jk ^^ Thanks for the time, now I'm officialy capable of teaching 2 sabers, let's get the work done :)
Not yet mate, you still have to get a Masters Trial and pass that first ;) ...though from what I'm seeing...you can do that already D:

 #56920  by Kioshi
Gratz wolfeh

 #56922  by Akimoto

 #56923  by jawfin
wgt wolf - nice work

And as Nec says, you can't train single until ur a master

And, some screenies from this big event :)





And my present to the triallers, and the only one as Wolf only died once :P


 #56924  by blacki
one word.................EPIC!
gongratz wolfy

 #56926  by Falcon
I'd say that passes as flying colors :shock:

Btw, that's an awesome skin Wolf. Is that Cloud?

Anyway, my hat's off to you Wolf. Really well done. Congrats :)

 #56929  by Wolferion
The shame is that the skin at Jawfin's screenshots looks different than mine. I modified it using all other textures from skin set and made one Cloud skin, that looks exactly like Cloud in Advent Children, just it looks like only I can see it this way ^^

I'm happy to pass knights, even though I have to admit I wonder how could I fail in 2vs1 >.<

Thanks guys, now's the time to wait for masters trial! I'm not about to lose it :D

 #56935  by BadWolf
grats wolfy ^^

 #56938  by mons73r
congratz wolfy

 #56939  by Evan
grats grats grATS...oh hello caps

 #56943  by Fazz
Falcon wrote:Btw, that's an awesome skin Wolf. Is that Cloud?
took the words right outa my mouth.

grats wolfy, you done fantastic

 #56946  by Pyra
Holy hell, Wolfie! OoO
Wow, way to go! Never thought I'd be this happy to hear my boyfriend got whooped.

 #56982  by Delev
Congrats wolf :)