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 #5329  by Melissa
I dont get it I have done it exactly right this time!!

I setup my email on thunderbird at mates house (with pass so Its protected) So when im round hers i can read I definateley used port 587 again and it does not send !!!

its exactly the same identical to the way its setup from home.

 #5342  by Chantelle
erm I dunno where you are likeley to read this first since you have posted on uol aswell anyway

heres my answer from there

probabaly because they are not on AOL.

Its unlikely that the ISP they use relay the SMTP request from their network/servers to the SMTP servers at AOL, as its liekley or open to spam.

Because your internet goes through your ISPs network typically you almost actually do not access the ineternet when accessing your emails from an email client since it hits their public servers before elsewhere.

However since your on another ISP they will have to recieve your request and then relay and fwd it on to the otehr ISP .. which I doubt they will do

Your best bet is to open email using http client which they offer on their home page

 #5344  by Melissa
okay ... so that means i have to use the http..

pfft annoying i hate http email :(

 #5350  by Phoenix
Lol dont you guys use the phone? :P

 #5508  by Melissa
well thing is if Im at home ill log on to her work too see if I can get hold of her but shes often in meetings and theres a thing where your not suppose to use mobile phone at her work and I know sometimes shes in meeting and literally carries laptop from one office to anotehr and once... this is true I sent her a message and she was doingsomethin in the meeting Laptop hooked up to projector and it came up on teh screen and she had aload of visitors from Germany over :oops:

anyway if i recall correctly she was in a big meeting all day friday as she is at an exibition/ conference thingy tomorrow :s....

 #5514  by Kakashi.Archive
That is kinda funny...Email right in the middle of a meeting...

"so the nasdec is up today and i have a email?"....LOL...jk

 #5527  by Chantelle
yeah that was kinda embarressing I had 3 guys from germany 1 guy from here in a metting room using projector connected to laptop

I was controlling it so they were looking at the screen and all of a sudden mels message flags up..

ALT F4!!! quickly lalalalala

 #5528  by Phoenix
Lol. Ok I see why now >_>