Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #53886  by Necros
I trialled SilentOne today with Jato by my side, and Darfin being Big Brother over us all. All in all, I am glad to say that SilentOne passed!!!

Status: PASSED

Knight Trial for SilentOne

Trialer : Necros
Assistant : Jato

1 vs 1:

1. Won --(Necros)
2. Won --(Jato)
3. Won --(Necros)
4. Won --(Jato)
5. Won --(Necros)
6. Won --(Jato)
7. Won --(Necros)

8. Lost --(Jato)
9. Lost --(Necros - Masters level)
10. Lost --(Jato - Masters level)

2 vs 1:

1. Lost
2. Won
3. Won
4. Won

5. Lost --(Masters level)

Final result: Won 7 / 10 (1 vs 1) && Won 3 / 5 (2 vs 1)

Congratulations bud, you did exceptionally well, you had us running through hoops just to take you down D:

Also, a congrats to Rugg, for now he can be known as a Jedi Guardian. Congrats you two :)

~Rosters Updated~
Last edited by Necros on Thu Jul 02, 2009 11:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.

 #53887  by Fazz
grats s1 on knights, and ruggy oin guardian

 #53888  by Kioshi
gratz s1 :)

 #53889  by Rugg
grats S1! great job!

 #53890  by SilentOne
phew...jatos dfa got me in one of those duels -_-
but all in all ty guys

 #53892  by blacki
gongratz bro, i knew it you can do it !

 #53893  by Necros
Screenshot Time!!! Thanks to Rugg for getting the screenies for me again :P








And no trial would be complete...without the presents for those lucky trailers :P






Thanks Rugg ;)

 #53894  by SilentOne
those last 5 screens are.....brutal theres blood and body parts everywhere :|

 #53895  by Necros
SilentOne wrote:those last 5 screens are.....brutal theres blood and body parts everywhere :|
I know, awesome isn't it? :D

 #53897  by Rugg
blood mods are so win :)

 #53898  by Akimoto

 #53929  by Wolferion
Congratulations to knights, enjoy!

 #53938  by Sion
Congrats! :)

 #53952  by Jato
Ubr-Pwn ^^

Congratz m8

 #53964  by mons73r
hey S1 congrats bro.. im happy for you man.

 #53966  by Xuku
Congrats S1!

 #53969  by SilentOne
congrats s1...damnit im talkin to myself again

 #53975  by Rugg
you've got to stop doing that bro

 #53979  by Delev
Nice job s1 :wink:

 #54014  by Falcon
Hey congratulations s1 :)