very simplistic looking nin i like it specially for your second time if u want you can read my tut on sig making in this forum should be interesting to see your outcome
Well I was aiming for simplistic so I did what I set out to do . To me sometimes having too much can bog down any picture so I wanted to focus on the image itself. Thanks for the feed back you guys. Since I will be going into graphic design as my major I will probably start to get used to photoshop alot more by making more sigs. This of course will be done once I have more freetime on my hands.
Dont want to know my points on it. As i dont know how much i shall give for it .. As the background is better than all of mine and animation with text looks nice aswell
Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress, no matter how slow.
Yeah lol I should have clarified on that. Mira Made the link one. The mario one is my second sig. I wear the link one as my own show of thanks to mira.