Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #51903  by jawfin
The skill of the KR clan showed in the performance given by Necros; who by with great skill chopped his way into the rank of Master

Status: Passed

Trialer : Jawfin
Assistant : Falcon

1 vs 1:

1. Won --(Falcon)
2. Won --(Jawfin)
3. Won --(Falcon)
3. Won --(Jawfin)
5. Won --(Falcon)
6. Won --(Jawfin)
7. Won --(Falcon)
8. Lost --(Jawfin)
9. Won --(Falcon)
10. Won --(Jawfin)

2 vs 1:

1. Won
2. Won
3. Won
4. Won
5. Lost

Final result: Won 9 / 10 (1 vs 1) && Won 4 / 5 (2 vs 1)

It was an effort just to stop him wiping the board completely :P

An awesome job buddy, and as I get to write this it means I'm also the first to post my enormous congratulations :D

 #51904  by Fazz
grats nec, u rly deserve this =)

 #51905  by Falcon
Congorats Necros :) You've finally earned the rank you so rightfully deserve :) Enjoy your promotion.

 #51907  by Starcomand
gz and permitions updated

 #51909  by Eagle
Congrats :)
Last edited by Eagle on Sun Jun 07, 2009 9:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 #51910  by Delev
Congratulations nec :wink:

 #51912  by Necros
Thanks everyone, this really means a lot to me. Most know I've been wanting this ever since I've gotten Guardian, and I'm just glad it all paid off in the end. Really, I couldn't have done it without all the support from all of you though.
*Pulls out big speech and clears throat*
I'd really like to thank Pyra, the love of my life, and the girl who gave me a chance to be a Master, I'm sure you'll do your padawan as proud as I am of you.
Falcon, you know you've been my best friend since we were just little kids, but I'm really glad that you got me into JKA to begin with, and were always there with encouragement or just to help me understand things clearer.
Jawfin, you silly little Aussie you. Not only were you a great sparring partner to prepare for anything coming my way, you've also been a great guidance to me, and I am forever grateful to you my brother of brothers.
Senbou, you were my master and taught me quite a bit of what I know today, even if it was basically just telling me not to run into kata's. I know I give you a hard time on server side bud, but I still care for you mate, don't forget that.
A ton of other people to thank to that I just can't find the words. Delev, you invited me into the family. Fazzy Bear, Ruggy, Taker, SilentOne, the entire family. You've all truly become a family to me and you all just make it such a pleasure to get on the server everytime. I truly love you all. So not all the honor should go to me, it should go to all of you as well for just being so awesome. Thanks you guys, I love you all from the bottom of my heart.

(Longest post Necros has ever made other than the News)

 #51913  by SilentOne
w00t congrats nec!! ^^im mentioned..w00t^^

 #51917  by Sion
Congrats! :D

 #51921  by BadWolf
thats mah paddy :\

and telling u not to run into kata is like the only thing u didnt listen to me abotu XD

grats bud ^^

 #51924  by Necros
Here's a present for Jawfeh :P


And then a screenshot of me getting stuck in a wall >_>


Thanks for taking the screenies Rugg :)
 #51955  by Wolferion
Almost flawless, congrats Necros =)

 #51960  by Phreedom
Gratz buddy!