Who's at what rank?
 #4778  by Tiger
oke ppl my bro has asked me to become his master.
he wants to get trained in single. also due some time changes its very usefull we live in the same house so we can train when ever it shorts out :P

so you all know :P

master tiger
paddy virus


 #4779  by virus

ty bro :P

 #4782  by Wolferion
"Brothers in Arm"

Congratulations you two =) Have a fun and Good luck!

 #4785  by Lessa
APPROVED ! good luck you two =)

 #4787  by GRYPHON
good luck ;)

 #4789  by Starcomand
good luck guys

 #4798  by Kakashi.Archive
Good Luck both of u

 #4810  by Kane
Good luck to the pair of ya's

 #4837  by Panther
Goodluck my ex paddy <3

 #5033  by virus
thx all

 #5034  by Tiger
ty ali <3

 #5035  by Melissa
gl im sure it will work well, my sis taught me all taht time ago so it can work quite well :)