Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #48974  by Darfin
Trialed Zabuza today, with the assistance of Jawfin, and I'm glad to say that he passed.

Final Scores
-2v1: 2/5
-1v1: 8/10


-Jawfin - Won
-Darfin - Won
-Jawfin - Won
-Darfin - Lost
-Jawfin - Won
-Darfin - Won
-Jawfin - Won
-Darfin - Won
-Jawfin - Lost
-Darfin - Won

So congratulations, Master Zab


 #48975  by Fazz
grats zabby, u gotta hate dfa now, lol, grats =)

 #48976  by Zabuza
jawfin and his dfas -.-, and thx :)

 #48977  by jawfin
lol, ya, someone got him with 2 rdfa's Image

but fought very well zab, u certainly have a masters skill with the saber - impressive

 #48978  by Kakashi.Archive
grats zab

 #48988  by blacki
grats dude

 #48992  by SilentOne
gratz zab! :P

 #48995  by BadWolf
grats dude :o

 #49005  by Phoenix
Hardly unexpected ;) Well done Zab.

Permissions updated.

 #49011  by Wolferion
Congratulations Zab. I guess I am the one left one to do it =)

 #49012  by Zabuza
ill make sure im an assist :twisted:

 #49014  by Wolferion
I never was able to beat you in a duel, that's going to be rather interesting.

 #49053  by Delev
Congratulations, well deserved zab :)

 #49056  by Pyra
I told you on KR, but I'll tell you again: Congrats! ^^