Who's at what rank?
 #46612  by Necros
Alright, since everyone else is basically throwing out their wants for a padawan, figured I would too.
So yea, I'm Necros, I use staff, I like long walks on the beach and chocolates ;)...oh wait...wrong place to do that :P

Heh, but 4srsly, I know there's like...no staffers out there atm but when one comes around, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LET ME BE YOUR MASTER!!!!! T-T

...that is all.

 #46615  by Delev
Good luckz!

 #46616  by Falcon
God I hate you.

Jk, good luck.

 #46619  by Fazz
gl nec, any1 wud be lucky 2 be ur paddy =)

 #46621  by Kakashi.Archive
heh gl hobo...

 #46648  by FlapJack23

Good luck! :)

 #47435  by Necros
Alright, so it's pretty obvious who I'm gonna be choosing here. I'd like to make a request that Pyra be my padawan. Pyra, if you could post here to approve, that would be great :)

 #47440  by jawfin
Py don't do eet !!

He's eeeevvvviiilllll :|

run, keep running, dont look back, just ruuuuuuun (or u'll turn into a pillar of salt)

 #47442  by Necros
..................../amslap Jawfeh_to_Pluto

QUITE J00!!!!!!!! >:-(

 #47444  by Pyra
lol. I accept. I'd be happy to have you as my Master, tiger. ^_^
Don't worry, Jaw, I think I can handle myself.

 #47445  by Darfin

 #47448  by Eagle
congrats :)

 #47451  by Falcon
Whats with all these Pluto references? It's not even a planet anymore....>_>

congrats :)

 #47453  by Eagle
HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY! Just cuz Pluto's been rejected, doesn't mean the poor little thing isn't awesome! Don't diss teh Pluto :(

 #47455  by jawfin
Well, as it appears i'm going there as a result as a Nec slap, I just hope they all stock up with chocolates and curry and fine wine (red plz) and probly a book or 2, and um, a decent internet connection - o, and a working heater

 #47456  by Necros
Sorry Jaw, I don't think your ping will be any better from Pluto than it is in AussieLand :\

 #47462  by Fazz
rofl, gl, ahvent read news yet 2 say welcom 2 clan