Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #46240  by Falcon
Eagle took my adept trial today on my server (unbeknownst to him :P) and he passed :)

Like I said, you still need a little work on your fans, but you have gotten way better than you were at jedi :)

So, congrats!

 #46242  by Eagle
Thanks guys :)

 #46263  by Rugg
gj eagle! :mrgreen:

 #46266  by Zabuza
congratz =)

 #46274  by Wolferion
Congratulations =)

 #46277  by Akimoto

 #46280  by Delev
Congrats eagle!

 #46458  by FlapJack23

 #46471  by Eagle
Thanks guys :)

 #46486  by Taipan
GJ Eagel

 #46601  by Wolferion
Congratulations =)

 #46624  by Kakashi.Archive
Dunno why i didnt comment on this...

Congo rats bud :)

 #46643  by RoNin
This place is going to the birds! Litterally...

 #46699  by jawfin
Congratulations Eagle, I know Falcon is a thorough master so you must of done well for her to appoint you this rank, good job and excellent work.