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 #41993  by Hime
Hey guys

this is HIME
just want to say hi to everyone in the clan....old and new
I am still alive....still

working on my new job and my masters

life took a huge change after marriage

you is your job to keep the house running ang on top of things

meeting with thye in-laws are still a pain....even though they are nice ppl are you boy and girls doing?

hope you been playing nice when I am not around
but soon I wilkl be back to slice some heads

until then


 #41997  by Zabuza
come back soonz D:

 #41999  by Darfin
Nice to hear, hullo.

 #42001  by Delev
Hey HIME, nice to see you doing so well :P
Good luck on your masters!

 #42018  by Kakashi.Archive
Hey Hime!

Good to hear from you. Glad to know your safe and everything is going for you. I hope to catch u on msn some time around :)


 #42031  by saunby
Good to hear from you Hime :)

Im all good, hope your all well :)

 #42056  by NinjaSarah
Heyo Hime! ^^

 #42057  by Cross
hello hime :)

 #42082  by FlapJack23
Welcome sort of back!

 #42084  by Melissa
"you is your job to keep the house running ang on top of things "

I always find if its kept on top its fine, especially in a marraige its a doddle the two of you can distribute it evenly.

welcome back anyway

 #42091  by Hime
I agree with you Melissa

Then again.....since I am always the one who gets home first
not to mention I can take long break then go pick him up from work
feels like looking after a big baby


 #42100  by RoNin
Pfft like Hime can die >.>

 #42117  by Akimoto
A clean home is a happy home!