Who's at what rank?


 #41560  by Cross
I'm looking forward to take under my wing padawan that fights with single =).
if any takers pm me on forums or reply here :)

 #41574  by Vex Oso
heya Kyp.. GRTZ on becoming a Jedi knight....how did it go the trial last night?

well.. you know what we talked about ehh? if Zabuza for some reason cant be my master i would be happy to be you padawan.. but i still need to join the clan first.. so still w8ting on that invite :D

 #41591  by Kakashi.Archive
sorry kyp but u cant have a paddy, jk :P

GL on gettin one :)

 #41593  by Zabuza
Vex Oso wrote:heya Kyp.. GRTZ on becoming a Jedi knight....how did it go the trial last night?

well.. you know what we talked about ehh? if Zabuza for some reason cant be my master i would be happy to be you padawan.. but i still need to join the clan first.. so still w8ting on that invite :D
oh, you'll be mine alright :twisted:

 #41653  by Vex Oso
ghehehe.,.,. good good .. havn't seen you online m8.. wusup?

but yeah good..im rly looking forward to it, on being your padawan zabuza.. ;)

 #41679  by Zabuza
been studying for Ap European history exams m8 :wink: ill be on friday tho

 #41682  by Cross
Zabuza wrote:been studying for Ap European history exams m8 :wink: ill be on friday tho
*cough* spamming my paddy topic *cough*

<3 u zab anyways :P

 #41686  by Zabuza
i feel sad now

as necros would say

sad face :(

 #41698  by Vex Oso
well zabu good luck then on your Ap European history exams :D