Who's at what rank?
 #39859  by Sidious
Now that i have made return (i will need to get the clan pass so that i can wear my tags) i will need a master not only for ranking up but also so that i can relearn all that i have lost. So if there are any Knights who are looking for a paddy that use single saber and think they can help me out that would be great thanks, oh and i have been on the server under the name Avonos i am still decideing if i want to keep that name or if i will go back to Sidious the final deciscion isnt up to me but im just throwin that out there.

 #39861  by Cross
wait for my knights :(. but o well GL bud :D

 #39863  by Zabuza
pick me pick me!!!
 #39864  by Fazz
Sidious wrote:oh and i have been on the server under the name Avonos .

ur not supposed to do that...

 #39901  by Sidious
Yes im fully aware of that and i spoke to raven about it but thanks for poniting that out and helpin me with master situation.

 #39904  by Kakashi.Archive
and just when i thought things couldnt get any more interesting... wb bud :) and good luck on your master hunt ^^

 #39906  by Stealth
i dont know if u already got a masta....but ill do it...
i rememba ya....i wouldnt need to do much xD

 #39907  by Sidious
lol good to see you again Kak. Its been a while but i doubt things have changed that much. But yea back to the master thing, im gonna need one of those ok so if you could do that for me that would greeaaatt (office space Mr. Lumberg)

 #39955  by Kakashi.Archive
Sidious wrote:lol good to see you again Kak. Its been a while but i doubt things have changed that much. But yea back to the master thing, im gonna need one of those ok so if you could do that for me that would greeaaatt (office space Mr. Lumberg)
well as stated above Stealth said hed take you as a paddy...

and things have changed in KR :P lol :)

 #39967  by Wolferion
Good luck with master hunt Sidious :wink:

 #39996  by Cross
Sid will overthrow KR and turn clone army on us :twisted: way to roll sid xD

 #40026  by Sidious
lol thats always a possibility Kaz, but yea about my master situation i should have been more specific (nothing against you stealth) because i usually play at night when everyone else is asleep so that might be a problem for some people. So if your a late night player then you make the cut, if this doesnt work out then i will try to change my hours.

 #40111  by Zabuza
ya sid said he wants me to be his masta :twisted:

 #40131  by Sidious
I would like to be taken under the wing of zab as his new paddy if that is alright with the council.

 #40143  by Starcomand
approved good luck

 #40146  by Zabuza
we are going to have so much fun ^_^....well not for u but for me :twisted:

 #40155  by Sidious
Im gonna make you my master slave, its very similar to having a master except you have to do everything i tell you to lol. Thanks star.

 #40163  by Zabuza
:cry: :cry: :cry: doomreaver all over again :(