1. I dont see a render, or maybe i do but its to dark/to much opacity to see.
2. Way to dark bud.
3. Try to pick a good colour scheme. A good rule fo thumb with grunge/abstract sigs is matching certain colours from the render to the background, and making it as detailed as possible. for instance: look at the signature i made you there,
The render has a blue/dark blue in it with a hint of red on his jacket and his eyes. So i made the background appear cyan/dark/blue/purple (ish) and a hint of red. and i used detailed brushes in the process.
Also i dont see a quote or your name in the signature..
If you ddi use contrast.. tbh its more dark so i cant really tell if its colour balanced shadows or contrast butif it is.. lay of it.
thats my honest opinion... some of ti might seem harsh bud but trust me, its this kind of critism that got me to where iam now. So just take in what ive said and try and make the next better, make the render the focal point and the background an added bonus of great detail yet great colour scheme