Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!
 #38168  by RaVeN
I love this picture haha.

here is the link to more pics:

I poke fun...but I think we might have more of these "Off-beat" people here in the states...but I have to ask...whats with all the indian and cowboy stuff? Is that really popular over there?

 #38172  by saunby
Lol the pic of Daddy Vader and Baby Vader you've posted has been badly edited :P

Someone has tried to give Daddy a light sabre

Phail :P

 #38174  by Melissa
THe Decor in some of those places are emabarressing..

However, Alot of fancy dress is becoming a fashion here in the latest theme Letter parties

Thehost picks a letter in advanced people must go as something with that letter, all the food and drink must be that Letter

We're off to a "C" party next month, no idea what I am going as yet. But thats a typical one for the Cowboy and Caveman and Cardinal ones.

 #38184  by Kakashi.Archive
 #38215  by Chantelle
RaVeN wrote:Image
I love this picture haha.

here is the link to more pics:

I poke fun...but I think we might have more of these "Off-beat" people here in the states...but I have to ask...whats with all the indian and cowboy stuff? Is that really popular over there?
My brother did that with his Kid

Although your right your definateley in the lead with the off beat people... True theres a hell of a lot here but we are a long way off catching up :(. Still silver medal :)

As for the cow boy stuff, dunno I havent seen much of it, maybe he has some sort of weird sexual fettish lol

Although I might go as a cow girl to the C party.