I wouldnt consider it off topic (although I can undestand why you may say that off topic seems to be teh most used phrase here)
As the religion or science stance is the root of you entire theory of what might happen or what will happen and what will happen to us all.
Like RaVen I do believe in god and a greater being, I also believe that religion done correctly is a great basis and teaching on how we should behave and morals in life. However I do have plenty of belief in the scientific basis.. I think comparing the Garden of Eden to evolution over time doesnt stand up.
What amazes me is looing at those diagrams above... we are such a nothing in relation to not only to SOL, but to our entire galaxy and yet universe. Theres so much out there.. If something was going to come and wipe us all out... We will probably never know about it and will never be preapared or be able to stop it.
If the second nearest star blew up to us, we'd be dead in 2 minutes and not know anything about it.
As the religion or science stance is the root of you entire theory of what might happen or what will happen and what will happen to us all.
Like RaVen I do believe in god and a greater being, I also believe that religion done correctly is a great basis and teaching on how we should behave and morals in life. However I do have plenty of belief in the scientific basis.. I think comparing the Garden of Eden to evolution over time doesnt stand up.
What amazes me is looing at those diagrams above... we are such a nothing in relation to not only to SOL, but to our entire galaxy and yet universe. Theres so much out there.. If something was going to come and wipe us all out... We will probably never know about it and will never be preapared or be able to stop it.
If the second nearest star blew up to us, we'd be dead in 2 minutes and not know anything about it.