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 #3352  by Squall
Hi. just thought i would post on here since iam playing on your server lol. anyway havent been active in JA for a good long time so how is everyone? my old master fluffy how is you?

ninny how is you and your life?

SD is he still here? lol hows you bud heard your proposing :D congrats

sparky :D hope work si treating you well as is life hopefully.

ronin :D thats all i need to say.

IVEY!! lord.....have my head back?

wonder is newsie still here....well if he is and reading this hey dude :D

anyway hey to KR :D
 #3357  by Wolferion
Welcome back to KR community ^_^

 #3360  by Tricky
Hail to you, champion.

 #3362  by GRYPHON
Hellllllllllloooooooooooo ^^

 #3368  by K-1
DJ Blade?

 #3371  by Squall
yes lol

 #3372  by Akimoto
Hmm... I haven't seen newspaperninja in ages.

 #3377  by Scythe
BLADE!!!!! WTF!!!! NO LOVE FOR SCY!!!!!! T_T your heartless T_T

 #3380  by RaVeN
Heyo Blade! Your "going inactive" is the other half of the reason why i started making sigs. I had ask you to make me one and you said that you would...then zap! You dissappeared! lol

So I started trying to make sigs and i got pretty good at it too, as u can see below ^^

 #3382  by Squall
yes nice animation :D i noticed u no alot of shine sigs :D nice. but i have one issue and thats all...detail in the BG though some of your other sigs have but that one there lacks some detail but still a good sig :D congrats

 #3385  by Akimoto
Make a shiney-sig tutorial.. <.<

 #3387  by Grimm
hey dj

this is grimm, u made my original sig.
wow so long ago....ive started to make sigs too, but im not as good as raven, my pixy one below is one of my best

 #3388  by Kakashi.Archive
Never got to meet u in past...But a good welcome back...:D

 #3406  by Wanderer
tsup Blade! never met you, but grimms told me ur a pretty kewl guy...welcome bak

 #3407  by Starcomand
hi dj hows it going

 #3415  by Kane
Ello there Blade saw ya on server for a bit, nice to see ya back around man :D

 #3627  by Squall
thanks guys :D and yes grimm i remember you :D yes i still have your sig in my gallery :D go check it :D

 #3661  by Chantelle
u kept that quiet blade!! u gonna be hoping around like mel with an I after your name now?

 #3684  by Squall
well chan i did tell angel, just something to past the time anyway :S though UoL is still first priorty ;) and dont worry KR UoL isnt on ja anymore so no thinking im multi clanning lol :D anyway chan im in kr already :S nintendo i think is going to hopefully be my master :) i should announce this on UoL ;) will later today.

 #3685  by Chantelle
oh right I though mel said you have to wait 2 weeks or something :s

 #3690  by Melissa
that is an unusual inconcistancy but nvm

Im not in any rush or anything :)

 #3692  by Phoenix
Out policy concerning previous members of KR envolves a council vote on the applicant. Therefore as Blade was a previous member, he skipped the recruitment process.

 #3695  by Melissa
yeah tbh I would have guessed there was a reason, tbh I woudlnt have even thought of it

as I say I am in no rush and would rather go through proper channels! :)

 #3696  by Phoenix
Good good :)