Post your signatures and avatars here.
 #3177  by DarkLink
i would like for some1 to make me a sig using link (obviously >.<using either the colors green and blue or red and black if at all possible plz and ty

 #3181  by Scythe
why does everyone always want a new sig... gees... make one u like and stick with it for more than a week... crazy people

 #3182  by Akimoto
lol, i can try to make alot of different sigs... im still on the learning stage.. later.

 #3314  by Wolferion
I will make you 2 days later..I am sorry that i wasnt there long time.. I am very ill. Just got some minutes to check littly forums.

 #3316  by GRYPHON
Leave it to meh!!!! :P lemme guess u want link in it?

 #3317  by Scythe
pssst make it pink :mrgreen:

 #3322  by GRYPHON
Ok done link >.> i hope u like it.. i dont even kno about link or what ever i had to question capt about it a bit >.< but here and to use it put this in ur sig box just with the img codes around it: ... ayer-1.gif
And just cause i wanna see scythey cheer up :P here:

 #3325  by Scythe
OMG XD i love that XD link take the pink!

 #3326  by Wolferion
Parents are cooking dinner, so have again some seconds before i must go...

Nice sigs
gryphon. I am sure you learnt it by tutorials =)

I will make my aswell , but i think it wont be so great, as i am not using tutorials to be better. I used just 2 tutorials and it was when i was starting... Other i learnt and now i am still learning by myself.

Thank you for reading,

 #3345  by GRYPHON
Tutorials.. NO meh dont use tuts.. theres only 2 ive ever used and they were ravs! i just like stuffin with photoshop alot :P took me a while to get the video to work.. all my sigs are made by me and me alone.. and i dont look at tuts to make them :) just muck around on photoshop like 24/7 for a couple of months and u will see

 #3355  by Wolferion
I used tutorial on text effects ( blending options ) and how to outfit and make simple signature...

Edit :
It seems that i will can for 20 minutes tommorow, because today i got allowed for 5 minutes 0_o.. I hate ills, cant wait when i will get out of it.

 #3756  by DarkLink
omg niiiiiiiice mira i <3 it.... bleh pink will probably be my class color... it was last year >.>

should i use both as my sig or just 1.... they r both too nice >.<

 #3786  by Scythe
use the pink, real men wear pink *nods in acceptance*

 #3824  by DarkLink
scythe... my firend has that shirt... the creepy thing is my friends a girl >.>

 #3830  by Scythe
haha, nothing creepy about it, I wear pink thank you very much! its a pink tie dye and it kicks ass! ur just jelous

 #3832  by Squall
or OR he maybe doesnt want to bat for the other team scythe ;)

 #3834  by DarkLink
i is not jealous

 #3836  by Scythe
bah jelousy all the way

 #5397  by Darfin
Yeah real men wear pink.
Look at me.
I have a pink lightsaber. And it's hardxcore.