Who's at what rank?
 #32617  by Greed
I needs a new master since Hosh ain't gonna be back 4 a while (if not at all). So yea... Any1 ranked Master or above wanna train meh?

 #32643  by Darfin
If only I was Master.

Hopefully I'll be getting the invite soon.

 #32645  by Darko
Darfin wrote:If only I was Master.

Hopefully I'll be getting the invite soon.
na =]

 #32648  by Darfin
Darko wrote:
Darfin wrote:If only I was Master.

Hopefully I'll be getting the invite soon.
na =]
Been a Knight for a year and a half :(

 #32653  by Akimoto
Darfin wrote:
Darko wrote:
Darfin wrote:If only I was Master.

Hopefully I'll be getting the invite soon.
na =]
Been a Knight for a year and a half :(
Don't forget about your almost-a-year-inactivity :P

 #32655  by Darfin
Oh wow. Scratch the 1 and a half.
I've been Knight for over 2 years :O

 #32683  by Hosh-pak
as you can see in leaves/back w/e area you can see im back..
for the next time... 2-3 months then i really have to go,
but its a long time till then... so i could take you back,
if you want to.

 #32692  by Greed

 #32733  by Darko
To get promoted to master isn't a required time sort of thing.

Help teach students of other masters whenever you can, its always appreciated, show your worthy to teach two students at the same time.

 #32741  by Darfin
I'm actually not that impatient. I'm just trying to show the council that I'm definitely interested.

My personality is completely based on leadership. I've been on drumline since 6th grade. (9th Grade now)
I was section leader at my old school for two years. And I'm getting promoted to section leader next year on my high school line. I'm used to responsibility.

 #32743  by Darko
RL life has nothing to do with online life.
Its a completely different ballgame

 #32748  by Kenshin
not really. darko. theres no diffrence between leadership in real life, than leadership on a game. they have the exact same requirements. ( kinda, there are some diffrences).

anyway glad ot see ur back hosh, i look forward to seein u on the server ^_^.

 #32751  by Darko
Leadership in-game and leadership in RL are two completely different things.

Since you operate in text means you have a completely different skill. Leading in RL has the benefit of being face to face.

I captain my school team and club side. I'm able to inspire and motivate people IRL. But you dont see me wanting to take any part in leadership in KR or elsewhere on the internet. Because its a completely different ballgame. Sorry to say. :roll:

 #32755  by Darfin
I'm just overall a leadership person. Honestly.
RL or IL.

 #32757  by Fazz
anyways, can we get back on topic, or rather since that topic is done with, it wud be a good place 2 leave it

 #32759  by Greed
thank u fazz

 #32760  by Zabuza
*high five fazz*

 #32777  by Fazz
wtf... what i do thats so great... nope. topic is done with, no more...