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 #32311  by Darfin
There are so many theories concerning doomsday and 2012 I don't know how to keep up with em all.
According to the Bible Code the world will end due to a collision with a meteor or comet.

According to spiritualist writer Bob Frissell, John Major Jenkins and others, humankind will ascend into a higher state of collective consciousness.

The Olduvai cliff will begin and permanent blackouts will occur worldwide, according to "The Peak Of World Oil Production And The Road To The Olduvai Gorge" by Richard C. Duncan.

December 21 - End of the great cycle of the Maya calendar's Long Count, and thus the alleged end of our world (the end of the cycle is dated December 23 by some calculations). Also interpreted as a change in human consciousness: the end of the world as we know it but the start of a new one.

Terence McKenna's Novelty Theory claims that time is a fractal wave of increasing novelty that ends abruptly in 2012.
Actually very interesting videos. They're long, you don't have to watch em. But I enjoyed them.
Doomsday 2012: End Of Days Pt.1
Doomsday 2012: End Of Days Pt.2

I believe in the Planet X theory, in which a large ass object/planet thats apparently orbiting the sun will eventually come too close and will eventually ignite, creating two suns which will most likely burn up the Earth.

Am I afraid of Doomsday? The answer is no. If you think about it, this may be the universes way of purging Earth of its shittyness. The Government will most likely select to preserve the worlds finest (eg. Military, Doctors, Scientists, rich people ect.)

Once everythings over, we rebuild, recreate, and recolonize. And we'll still have all of our scientific knowledge and progress.

Whats your thoughts on doomsday?

 #32312  by Melissa
23rd of 12th 2012?

damn wont get to open any christmas presents!!

I dont believe in that

although I think in not so many years and probably/ hopefully in our life times. Over the course of time Mars may Teraform.

Venus was once liek earth is now... although now its a blaze..

we will see colonies being set up on Mars. There are even throeries of how we can colonize other planets.. even Neptune by utilzing the gas which coudl accomodate a floating city, liek star wars lol.. but neptune which in my opinion is mental.. talk about bad weather!!

There is a thought that one of Jupiters moons is similar to earth

 #32314  by Akimoto
To be honest, it is better to beleve it. If you don't: you are screwed. If you do: You get less screwed! ><

TOTAL ANARCHY!!1 I need to get a real sword & katana!

 #32326  by Hailstorm
i heard the same in 1999.

 #32414  by dent
i dont think it will happen, but i will still be nervous on the 22nd and 23rd, heh

 #32416  by RoNin
You forgot the nostradomus translation also points to 23rd of december in 2012, AND that most experts that study Myans believe 2012 isn't the end but infact a new beginning. If the world were to end or change there is no point in worrying humans are horrible at preventing but masters at adaptation. We've proven that time and time again. Now say the world ends, so? Right now we have nothing to stop it. If the world doesnt end won't matter either really. Currently the earth is dieing in multiple ways. Our orbit around the sun is lengthing we are losing our moon, our rotation, we are drifting towards the sun, in a shooting gallery of asteroids and comets and our sun is dieing. Oh and ofcourse there could always be the war end theory. We can't solve any of that so why fret?

I'm gonna continue living life as I have because if it doesnt end do you want to be jobless or homeless?

 #32417  by ShinZagato
Imma be one of those underground mutants that comes up to steal food.

 #32418  by BadWolf
meh, imo, dooms day is just man-kind being overly paraniod

i say, if its gonna happen, let it happen, dont worry about it

 #32419  by Kakashi.Archive
I dont want to affend anyone, but im not sure what to belive in. I do and dont belive in god, and i belive that evolution has been behind it the entire time. I think that 2012 wont be the end seeing that the world has been around for millions of years.

Just my opinion.

 #32422  by Wolferion
I dont think anything that high to worry. The sun will not exist after few milions years propably .Even that we Humans, are producing too much CO2 into air ( that makes the global warming and who knows what next ), the big tragedy of it will begin after end of my and yours lifes. Then, It's just bad to worry. While you are worried, your nerves are working as slaves and causes your body automaticaly bad things ( Do not know enlighs word for it ), as one American doctor said : "God will forgive our crime, but nerves - never". And what do I think at it? If my life is going to end at 2012, then It just will. I see it pointless to be worried about dieing in some day, we all can die everyday we are outside going near roads with cars etc. So while we are still alife, let's enjoy our lifes, do our jobs, maintain the family and all the things that belong to normal human's life. - That's my opinion on the doomsday. Then, as Orthodox it's usual that I believe in god, but aswell i believe in the evolution theory of Charles Darwin.

 #32423  by Richard
I am sure notsradamus also said the world was going to end in 1997 August.

It is just interpretation.

 #32425  by Kenshin
i didnt belive in the 6/6/06. so i dont belive in this ^_^. but in theory the world will end in the next 100 years if we cant adapt to global warming.

 #32427  by Wolvie
theyr rumours...

The maya calender ends at that time. I dont believe in it.

 #32430  by Darko
Bullshit i don't believe we are responsible for global warming.
The very worst it can do imo is change the way we live day to day, infact it will only really hurt third world countries. We will adapt it at'll be all good. Of course it's an uh oh problem but it wont even come near to the end of the world.
Scientists believe that if the same asteroid that killed off the dinosaurs struck us again the human race could survive. So ill be damned in a bit of global warming would best that. :?

 #32432  by Kenshin
hey darky ever seen tht movie day after tomorrow? thats what scientists think in theory will happen to us.

 #32433  by Richard
I think the day after tomorrow was hollywoods cheesy reality and ending rather than actual reality.

You wanna see a film about bad reality of thinsg watch threads.. Its about what woudl happen in the event in nuclear war.. its from late 80s early 90s but its still very true to fact and based very much on a relaity which could be caused by it all.

Although it was banned originally as it scared people too much lol

Earth as Mel said willl eventually be what venus is now. Venus was once suggested to be like earth teraformsed land, oceans..

no reason why mars Iona, Eris cannot be the same..

within the next 100 years I bet we will have people living on Mars.. even if just a colony

 #32434  by ShinZagato
If anything, humanity will do itself in, were already working on that as is.

 #32435  by Akimoto
ShinZagato wrote:Imma be one of those underground mutants that comes up to steal food.
I'm with you on that one! :twisted:

 #32438  by Darfin
I don't believe in God, simply because theirs too much scientific evidence going AGAINST religion.

But then, when so see all these hundreds of coincidences popping up about one specific date, it's just hard to ignore.

 #32448  by Darko
I lol'ed at "The day after tomorrow"
What a load of farce

 #32449  by Darfin
Darko wrote:I lol'ed at "The day after tomorrow"
What a load of farce

 #32481  by Richard
There is a lot of evidence to suggest events in the bible exist i.e Jesus (not to say he was as the bible portays but whether he was influencial etc)

However I agree, evolution has a lot more credibility. As science progresses it seems to back those theories of how teh universe was created et al

 #32488  by BadWolf
i very highly doubt that the world will end in 2012, im still getting spam email from 2038 :\

 #32503  by Darko
Its been concretely proved there was a man named Jesus who preached "The word of god".
The question is if he was the son of god, and if what he preached is true.

 #32510  by Fazz
i think the world will end after the second coming of jesus, i dont no why, but the first time he died god pulled a mad one and made it rain and stuff, so this time he will probally go mental.

However i think that the human race may end aswell... a random theory here for you (its good at stoping jahova witnesses from coming 2 your door) basically its that when god tried 2 kill everything with a flood, he said he wont do it again, but now global warming is gunna flood us, so:
1 - God lied
2 - God doesnt exist
3 - God wants 2 kill us

that my opinion...