Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!
 #30814  by Akimoto
This would be the perfect place to post this. "Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!"

Here it is:

I have applied to train in China for 1 year.

If there is something crazy in this world... this would be it. :twisted:
Last edited by Akimoto on Tue Feb 26, 2008 6:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 #30815  by RoNin
lmao Akimoto came out of the closet *dies laughing*

 #30816  by Kenshin
yeah i seen that.. iv already considered it.. but im gona wait till i finish highschool and probaly take a 1year break before i go to uni :P ( so probly spend 1 year their)

 #30817  by Akimoto
RoNin wrote:lmao Akimoto came out of the closet *dies laughing*
What are you talking about? :P

 #30842  by BadWolf





heh, have fun

 #30845  by Akimoto
OMG! I got accepted!
Che wen long wrote:Your form is acceptable and welcome you to our academy from August 1st 2008 for one year.
ARGH so exciting!!!!1 ><



Kids do this! KIDS!! I must do 10x better! (Ofcourse i can do all that headstuff... its the techniques i find disturbing...)



 #30869  by RoNin
You went into the closet. The term comming out of the closet means you are gay and revealing it to the world. I don't believe it but the wording was there.

 #30876  by Melissa
this is a genuine question not a droll or sarcastic question

But, why would you do this?

 #30878  by Akimoto
Melissa wrote:this is a genuine question not a droll or sarcastic question

But, why would you do this?
Thank you so much for asking!

The simple answer i can give you is: It's FUN!

A more "Advanced" answer would be; I'd like to become one of the best martial artists in this world <.< ofcourse this is the "dream" part of it! As i said; I love martial arts! I love to do things few other people cannot! :roll:

Again, thank you for asking! :wink:

 #30881  by Melissa
Not a problem

It is good you are following a dream

something alot of people do not make a good effort of!

well done

 #30888  by Darko
Akimoto wrote:
Melissa wrote:this is a genuine question not a droll or sarcastic question

But, why would you do this?
Thank you so much for asking!

The simple answer i can give you is: It's FUN!

A more "Advanced" answer would be; I'd like to become one of the best martial artists in this world <.< ofcourse this is the "dream" part of it! As i said; I love martial arts! I love to do things few other people cannot! :roll:

Again, thank you for asking! :wink:
Id knock ye out with good ol' fashioned hooliganism

 #30893  by Akimoto
Darky wrote:
Akimoto wrote:
Melissa wrote:this is a genuine question not a droll or sarcastic question

But, why would you do this?
Thank you so much for asking!

The simple answer i can give you is: It's FUN!

A more "Advanced" answer would be; I'd like to become one of the best martial artists in this world <.< ofcourse this is the "dream" part of it! As i said; I love martial arts! I love to do things few other people cannot! :roll:

Again, thank you for asking! :wink:
Id knock ye out with good ol' fashioned hooliganism
Sounds fishy to me... "hooliganism"