Who's at what rank?
 #27892  by Greed
Hi... I'm not sure if this is where the requests go but i needs a master. I wanna learn Single and then staff... so if theres NE1 who would like a paddy I am available...


 #27894  by Hosh-pak
im single teacher now, so i could.. and im sure would be fun ;)

 #27896  by Greed
Oh Yayz! what luck! So... now its up to the council 2 approve...

 #27897  by ShadowX
hey bull :).. i can teach single and the other ppl that can teach single are hosh and Shadow that can teach single. but its up to you which one you will go too :p

 #27898  by Greed
Hm... hard choice... lemme think 4 a sec...*thinks* Hosh has been pretty active in the last few days... I thinks i'll go with him!

 #27899  by ShadowX
lol ok GL :)

 #27900  by Matt
no... dooon't... not Hosh ... lol that ^@^(&&#%$ :***


 #27905  by Hosh-pak
Matt youll die!! :*
thanks rav'
and yeah.. think well make it, bull ;)

 #27906  by Greed
Yay!!! Now we shall conquer (or destroy) all in our path! Oh boy me cant wait!!

 #27907  by Fazz
i am a path, does that mean in safe?

 #27908  by Greed
NEthing in the path will be destroyed!!! not the path itself!
Bull wrote:STAY ON TOPIC!!!

 #27923  by Wolferion
Good luck both of you.... Uhm, if you want to destroy everything in the path, do not mind seeing me in your path with meh silver staff =D