The Latest KR News on the Planet can be found here.
 #27210  by RaVeN
KR has new members today!

The Council would like to Welcome Back Kira (ariK) back into KR! You should find everything where you left it.

KR would also like to welcome into the clan a long time friend of the clan, Shadowfoxy!

Congratz you two, I look forward to seeing you both on the server with the KR tags :)

Shadowfoxy, check your PM box when you get a chance.

 #27212  by Kakashi.Archive
Welcome back Kira, and welcome Shadowfoxy... ^^

 #27214  by Lavitz
Woot, Good job Kira and Shadowfoxy!

Have fun!

 #27216  by Fazz
yey 2 both

 #27220  by Greed
Gratz! Now that the clans got more members....


 #27222  by ShadowX
Welcome in the clan kira and shadow. :)

 #27225  by Wolferion
Third shadow in aroudings =S What a dark time =P Joking ^^ . Welcome both of you to Clan =D Good luck in ladders in Rank and Enjoy!

 #27226  by Starcomand
welcome to family

 #27230  by echo
Woot 4 foxeh and kira :D

 #27238  by Delev

All Rights Reserved.

 #27239  by saunby
Welcome velcome :)