Who's at what rank?
 #26638  by Psycho
Now that I'm in KR do you still want to be ma mast4h ? (Sorry for leet speak but I just felt like it)


 #26667  by Fazz
lol, very direct request, i cant talk on behalf of nin, but it may be better 2 try pmin him and talk about it, rather then having an open post

 #26671  by Psycho
Well we allready talked about it, so this is more so he can say it "official"

 #26672  by Fazz
kk, thats a bit different top the post, and gl

 #26678  by Darko
Nintendo is a very busy person, if he did take you as a padawan he wont have alot of time for you or any at all.

He is still un-officialy training me and he hasnt been able to make any kind of training session for a few months.

 #26720  by Psycho
I'm fine with that .