Who's at what rank?
 #22454  by Darkness
I would like to take Fate as a padawan.
(Whats the saying?) 3rd Paddy's the passer? :wink:

 #22463  by Woodchip
NOOOOO!!!!*sniff* i wanted her.....*whispers* you will pay

 #22514  by Raziel
gl u guys :P

 #22518  by Sniper
Woodchip wrote:NOOOOO!!!!*sniff* i wanted her.....*whispers* you will pay
wood fate has to post the agreement. you have a chance

 #22520  by Fox
<.< whell..er...tha'd be great..me's tired of waitin sorry wood *hug*

 #22529  by Kakashi.Archive
Congrates, gl u 2

 #22530  by ShadowX
gl guys

 #22533  by Starcomand
good luck both of you

 #22536  by saunby
GL to you both :)

 #22555  by Woodchip
i thought i was once loved =CCCCCCCC

 #22561  by Raziel
thehehehehehhe....*whispers* suckeeer.....*looks around*


Did I say it out loud?


 #22573  by Sidious
Gl you two :)