Who's at what rank?

 #2106  by Milamber
OOOOOO :D i always wondered if u ever would take a pady

 #2109  by Nintendo
Of course you can.

Just dont seduce him too much ;)

 #2126  by Panther
Nin shush and mil hes my 4th u twit-_-

 #2134  by GRYPHON
Nintendo:Of course you can.

Just dont seduce him too much Wink

-.- gets meh slappa ready
lol XD
dont think pulse would like that very much.. cause they in loooove :P

 #2155  by Craig
Nins just worryed that she will stop seduseing him lol

 #2176  by Kakashi.Archive
Good for capt that he might have a master...to bad i wont have one before him even though i was here before...LOL...mutt has not gotten back to me after i sent her pm...well to bad...GO CAPT.X...YAY

 #2178  by Nintendo
look I was just saying for her not to seduce him too much. I know how charming she can be ;)

Dont be jealous mira. I know you love capt but he will always love you too....just....well....me...dar....now pulse... shes pretty tough to resist :P.

Good luck Capt.X :D

 #2205  by Milamber
ur 4th? ... well that means the others died due to sabered by master?... run x! ruuuuun

 #2222  by Craig
*cough*She was my master*cough*

 #2225  by Scythe
yeah and look how u turned out *shudder* =P

 #2236  by Starcomand
Scythe wrote:yeah and look how u turned out *shudder* =P

lol says it all

 #2237  by Craig
Oh scy tyou are gonna pay for that one. What sick and twisted thing can i come up with for revenge on the comment XD

 #2240  by Scythe
taking away my pie?

 #2247  by Craig
No it will be worse than that.

 #2248  by Akimoto
I'm getting confused, did pan get permission to take cap-x as padawan or not? :0
Nin said ofcourse... but... but.... is that a yes?

lol, it's like each thread makes their own off-topic discussion between members.

Last edited by Akimoto on Sat Sep 02, 2006 12:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

 #2249  by Craig
Yes she did get permission 2 take Capt as her paddy.

 #2250  by Scythe
worse than taking pie away..... but that can only mean..... YOU SHALL NOT TOUCH MEL! *glare* i'll kill you *glare*

 #2319  by Wanderer
0.0.....all me lil KR newbies sure are growin up...it feels like it was jus yesterday that i was watchin em put on there first invite tag*sniff* the rank up so quickly these days...


 #2322  by GRYPHON
:( good luck >.>