The Latest KR News on the Planet can be found here.
 #20208  by RaVeN
The Council would like to welcome Pulse back into the fold again as a KR Jedi! (you will still need to find a master to climb the ranks)

AND The KR clan would like to welcome Seive as a new KR member! (Make sure to check your PM box Seive)

Welcome you two! Hope you have fun :D

 #20214  by Sidious
WOOOOOOOTTTTTTT!!!! Cogratz to both of you on getting in/getting back in lol. Have a good time in KR and dont be an idiot (my version of words of advice).

 #20221  by Wanderer
nice man, enjoy your trials xDDDDD

erm yea, congats

 #20223  by Kakashi.Archive
congrates :)

 #20227  by Sniper
CONGRATZ PULE AND Seive ok now thats thats out of me gratz you 2

 #20241  by AcDark
Congrgatulations for you two people xD


 #20267  by dent
grats both of you :)

 #20284  by Wolferion
Congratulations to both of you ;-) Enjoy trials and see you soon!

 #20288  by Starcomand
welcome guys

 #20293  by saunby
Congratz :D

 #20336  by Ice
WOOT! Pulse is back! Congrats on getting in to both of you!