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 #19452  by KatanaHero
Hey KR!!! Sup!

Yeah I am back at Jedi Knight and i am just hanging around on the KR server. I dont know what else to say. I am thinking about a rejoining - but there is no "join"-forum.

I had a good time at KR and it would be an "honor" to comeback to the clan.

Well here is my JOIN-FORM:

Ingamename: KatanaHero, scrap.exe.cute
Location: Austria (AUT)
Job: Student (Internettec, Economics, Graphics)
Tag: -[FK]- or AUT-law (i dont want to be naked ^^)
Sabertyp: Single
Skill: Medium (i lost a lot of my skill)
Gameexp: 1 year offline, 1 year online clan (FK, KR)
other Games: Battlefield 2/2142, WoW, R6 Vegas, WC3
others: about my hobbies and so on just take a look into my profil.

PS: thx that u unbanned me, i dont know why u banned me but w/e ^^
PPS: Greetings to Fluffy, Nintendo, Darky, ShinZan, Ronin, Ivy, Lessa its good that you are still there.

 #19453  by Kenshin
theres no "join" forum because the clan is invite only :)

but nice to meet u and good luck in getting invited

 #19455  by Darko
Hey kat mate,

Nice to see you try join :)

Dont know why you were banned but thats not for me to know i guess :(

Hope you get in!!!!111oneoneone

 #19458  by Soulreaper
rejoining goes in invites corner so go remake it

 #19459  by KatanaHero
theres no "join" forum because the clan is invite only
i c, when we foundet the clan we had a join forum, so i searched for one.
rejoining goes in invites corner so go remake it
Well "rejoin", u speak about members who left for one or two weeks or months, but i were away for more than two years. so its a long period of time.

I hope fluffy will post something for connect me via PM.

 #19461  by Soulreaper
dude members are coming back from years ago already yes u go remake this in invites cornor and if im wrong (dont think i am :S) then somone correct me

 #19462  by Phoenix
Fluffy will probably more then likely repeat whats already been said :).

KR was originally a clan that recruited members by asking them to apply as you mentioned. Although during the summer time we always used to get loads of applications - an unmanageable amount. It was also difficult because it was hard to work out who was serious and wanted to join and who just posted an application for the hell of it. For the reasons stated above we changed the recruiting process to invite only, this way members invite people they have seen on the server more then once, if they accept they follow the normal application procedure. Now you have the general background information, you can make your decision.

1. You are active on our server and you will be hopefully be invited to join. You will then follow the normal application procedure, the same as any new recruit. You will not need to post an application until you are asked by a KR member, if you choose this method.

2. As you are supposedly an ex-member of the clan, I will need Fluffy to of course confirm this for me because I have only heard of the name. If this is confirmed you will be up for council vote back into the clan, based mainly on your past experiences within the clan and your current activity level on the server. If you do decide this method then if you could please post an application in the "Invites Corner" section of the forum.

Thanks for reading, welcome back to Knights Reborn,


 #19468  by Chantelle
If I remember rightly my entrance trial to KR years ago was conducted by Katana

 #19480  by ShinZagato
He is NOT allowed back in. Period. He was banned for a reason.

 #19489  by Phoenix
ShinZagato wrote:He is NOT allowed back in. Period. He was banned for a reason.
Shin, not that I don't trust your judgement. But could you please PM me explaining why as for reference and my own understanding.

 #19514  by Fluffy
Hi Kat. What Pho said is correct, in the quotes box. Nice to see you again after so long =)
Phoenix wrote:Fluffy will probably more then likely repeat whats already been said :).

KR was originally a clan that recruited members by asking them to apply as you mentioned. Although during the summer time we always used to get loads of applications - an unmanageable amount. It was also difficult because it was hard to work out who was serious and wanted to join and who just posted an application for the hell of it. For the reasons stated above we changed the recruiting process to invite only, this way members invite people they have seen on the server more then once, if they accept they follow the normal application procedure. Now you have the general background information, you can make your decision.

1. You are active on our server and you will be hopefully be invited to join. You will then follow the normal application procedure, the same as any new recruit. You will not need to post an application until you are asked by a KR member, if you choose this method.

2. As you are supposedly an ex-member of the clan, I will need Fluffy to of course confirm this for me because I have only heard of the name. If this is confirmed you will be up for council vote back into the clan, based mainly on your past experiences within the clan and your current activity level on the server. If you do decide this method then if you could please post an application in the "Invites Corner" section of the forum.

Thanks for reading, welcome back to Knights Reborn,


 #19530  by Sparky
hey dude... good to see you.

 #19602  by Hailstorm
zomg you play WoW your soul is now corrupt for playing that game :P evil gameeee

 #19648  by KatanaHero
Well okay may i post something into the invite corner.

because of my ban (two years ago):

I was an dump ass, maybe some players in KR were dump asses. but i dont want to talk about the reason and the topic - maybe because i dont realy remember - its just a game. But i grew up and i hope KR too. So maybe there is a future together (stupid flowery phrase)

So i will hang up at the KR server - cu there