Who's at what rank?
 #17797  by ShrunkenCheese
I have talked to Zabuza and mesa wants to take him as meh paddeh. :twisted:

 #17798  by Zabuza
mesa accpets

 #17799  by Wanderer
gl guys

 #17800  by Kakashi.Archive
Gl just need council to say yes ^^

 #17806  by Starcomand
RaVeN wrote:Okiedokie :)

think thats ravens way of saying approved lol

 #17808  by ShrunkenCheese
alright =D thanks guys

now I get to make Zabuza's training Hell mwauahahaha :twisted:

*cough*I mean, I'll make sure he's properly trained. lol

 #17810  by Zabuza
awesome 8)

 #17822  by Kakashi.Archive
GL you two...^^

 #17832  by Soulreaper
yep have fun

 #17833  by Delev
Good Luck zabuza

 #17842  by Zabuza

 #17887  by Darko
May the force be with you two

 #17905  by Kakashi.Archive
Darky wrote:May the force be with you two

or with Zabuza more like it XD hes going to need it

 #17908  by Zabuza
y? :shock:

 #17915  by Wanderer
kak, dont skare off the KR-newbies :P

dont worry about it :)

 #18021  by ShrunkenCheese
lol, no kak is right :twisted: mwauahahhahahaha.

lol, don't worry zab, I won't be to hard on ya'

 #18042  by Zabuza
give me ur best shot shika :lol:

 #18059  by Soulreaper
hmm all i can say is good luck with that