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 #172730  by Fluffy
I have nothing of value to add. I just wanted to express my appreciation of having the privilege of your company on the server yesterday.

In no particular order, thank you:

Rogue (with a Yato haircut)
Melting Wax
Red Lightning

And I sincerely hope I didn’t leave out anyone. If I did, I’m sorry, and please keep in mind it took me three attempts to input the clanpass correctly. I’m not that sharp.

Thanks again, and looking forward to more :D
 #172731  by Sakito
Now I want to see you land an aerial butterfly on some people with those duals! :twisted:

Was great to see you as always Flu! ^.^ Gotta stop by more often! =P
 #172732  by Fluffy
Thanks for showing me that! I promise when I finally sucker punch someone with that aerial butterfly you’ll be the first to know 8)
 #172733  by Uscari
That's so sweet, it sounds like a pleasant visit, wish I was there!
 #172734  by Yato
Fluffy wrote:Thanks for showing me that! I promise when I finally sucker punch someone with that aerial butterfly you’ll be the first to know 8)
And also, my looking sharp for a haircut! :lol:
 #172735  by jawfin
Your no value has been graciously accepted - here I'll even chuck in an extra 10%
Good hearing from you :)
 #172736  by CovertMuffin
Nice to see you on; someone mentioned you were part of KR's inception so thank you for that and glad to continue the legacy <3