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 #171779  by Falcon
Once upon a time there was a JKA player by the name of Zabuza. He had an interesting journey in KR, ultimately culminating in his ascension to Council. Zab was a great Council member; he contributed a lot both behind the scenes and publicly. His insight and experience was always welcome and we are very grateful for all he has contributed. In the words of the man himself:

-[KR]-Zabuza*: This is DJ zab bringing you some smooooooth melodies...

But as with all in KR real life comes first. For this reason, Zabuza has decided to step down from Council.

Thank you once again Zab :)

For the now empty Council seat - the Council has decided to promote someone who has shown an equally interesting path through their KR journey. They have shown tremendous growth throughout the years and in many cases has grown up before our very eyes. Dedication, leadership, perseverance: these are just a few of many qualities of our newest Council member.

Congratulations Sakito :)
 #171781  by Jammer
Congratulations! Thank you Master Zab for your service!
 #171786  by Key
congraulations Saki, welcome to the team
 #171790  by EvilTree
Congratulations Saki!
Thanks for all your hard work Zab!
 #171791  by Rogue
Congratulation, Sakito!

Also thank you for your service, Zabuza. :)
 #171795  by Zabuza

Congrats Saki!
 #171796  by Sakito
First, I'd like to thank Zabuza for all of his years as a dedicated KR member. You helped me in times where I felt that no one would. Thank you for everything that you've done for me and for KR as a whole.

Words cannot describe how much of an honor it is being in this seat now. It's surreal I say! It was such an experience looking up to the council and other members who have helped me in my journey. I've learned so much from a lot of you. Growing into who I am today. I am very honored to be taking over for Zab. Standing (or sitting cause it's a seat :lol:) here is very meaningful to me.

I will continue to do my best, helping the clan to the best of my ability.

Thank you, everyone! :)

~Love <3
Sakito Sho-Ryu-Ken
 #171801  by Zaluk
Congrats Saki!
 #171809  by Lurch
Grats Saki. well earned and well deserved.
 #171815  by HolyWarrior
Congratulations Saki!  Zab, you are always welcome to visit the server anytime you feel the need to reconcile with us! 
 #171818  by Key
HolyWarrior wrote:Congratulations Saki!  Zab, you are always welcome to visit the server anytime you feel the need to reconcile with us! 
Zab left on good terms! No reconciliation is needed for anything!
 #171863  by JediF
Yaaay Congrats Saki! Well deserved!
 #171869  by RaVeN
Congrats Saki!
I'm very happy to see that you've made your way into the Council's chambers.

For historical Council legacy/genealogy type stuff:
I passed my Council seat to Zab, who now passes the seat to you.

So I hope you realize how much of an honor it is to know that our butts have touched.

Zab, welcome to the other side!
There was a time that I would have bet that we'd never be on the same level, yet here we both are!
Together in sisterhood...wait that's not it.
...They-hood of KR Council Alumni

Glad to have you :)
 #171879  by MasterM
Late to the party on this one but congratulations to both Zab and Saki! Excited to see what the future will bring!