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 #170958  by Kenjiro
i know i have been away for a while, for that am sorry. For the last 2.5 years my stepmom has been fighting brain canser (GBM). About 2 months ago she faught longer then exspected but still lost the fight.
I am trrying to hold out as best i can but its not easy. Also about 2 months before my Stepmoms passing my best friiend's wife was diagnosed witth the same cancer (GBM). Right now i am just triing to worrk throuugh my own grief while tryiing to be there fore my best friend.

I know, its a sad storry.
perk up illl be ok
 #170959  by cf.Steak
It can't be easy going through all of that, but thank you for opening up about it to us.
If you ever need anyone to talk to, please feel free to reach out!! We've always got your back.
 #170961  by Atsila
Ever want to talk I'm here.
It's difficult and hard to talk about but holding it in and not giving yourself time to grieve is not good either.
Wisdom comes from understanding as I understand what my mom went through with her's. But each person is different but again holding in is never good.
But just know here for you if ever want to talk about it.
 #170965  by Falcon
So sorry to hear that Kenji :( I can't imagine what you're going through. We're here to support you as much as we can.