@Droid - Thank you! We should play more! <3
@Sam - Thank you for welcoming me back.
@Jawfin - Yup! Roge-doge in the house is the best description!
@Sakito - Woohoo! Let cheer, shall we?
@Steak - Thank you for warm welcome!
@Mns - Thank you! Look forward see you on the server and duel together. Shall we call?
@Typh - Thank you! Flowers are blooming. See you around!
@Falcon - Thank you Fal. It's good to see you again. Hopeful we can chat and duel someday.
@Uscari - Much appreciated. Buddy is home!
All in all, thank you for all your warm welcoming me back to the clan again. I'm look forward to see you on forum and server. May the force be with you!