The Latest KR News on the Planet can be found here.
 #169633  by John
Rogue has been deemed worthy by thy glorious council to receive his KR tags back.

Welcome back Rogue!

Please check your pm box when you get the chance.
 #169639  by Sakito
Wooooooooooooooooo! Welcome back Rogue! :)
 #169647  by Falcon
Welcome back :)
 #169649  by Rogue
@Droid - Thank you! We should play more! <3
@Sam - Thank you for welcoming me back.
@Jawfin - Yup! Roge-doge in the house is the best description!
@Sakito - Woohoo! Let cheer, shall we?
@Steak - Thank you for warm welcome!
@Mns - Thank you! Look forward see you on the server and duel together. Shall we call?
@Typh - Thank you! Flowers are blooming. See you around!
@Falcon - Thank you Fal. It's good to see you again. Hopeful we can chat and duel someday.
@Uscari - Much appreciated. Buddy is home!

All in all, thank you for all your warm welcoming me back to the clan again. I'm look forward to see you on forum and server. May the force be with you!
 #169650  by Elsecaller
Welcome Back! :D
 #169651  by EvilTree
Good to have you back Rogue :D
 #169652  by MasterM
Welcome back!!
 #169654  by Rogue
Thank you Else, EvilTree, MasterM and Guardian!
 #169655  by Joltz
welcome back rogue :D def worthy. be so much easier to communicate now :mrgreen:
 #169657  by Rogue
Joltz wrote:welcome back rogue :D def worthy. be so much easier to communicate now :mrgreen:
MysticalPotato wrote:Welcome back my friend!
Thank you very much Joltz and Mystical Potato! We're communicating here and on KR server, my friend! :D
 #169668  by Rogue
meltingwax wrote:Welcome back!
Thank you, Wax! :)
 #169675  by Primordial
Welcome back Roggy! I'm very glad to see you back in the family (:
 #169677  by Rogue
Primordial wrote:Welcome back Roggy! I'm very glad to see you back in the family (:
Thank you Primoridal!

What more glad is we are in this together in this KR families.

See you around if you're planning to hop on.
 #169679  by Rogue
Jack Skywalker wrote:Welcome back!
Thank you, Jack! =)