This forum is for all the topics that don't fit anywhere else. Post anything from Hello's to Web Links.
 #168787  by Tidus
Every few months I come back and read the forums and try to remember why I posted some of the things I did growing up. It's actually crazy how almost all of the posts are an absolute blur. Looking back at almost 15 years worth of embarrassing posts. It's kind of like those time capsuls but more public. So let's add another one for me to read in a few months.

For those who do know me, hello. It's always good to see old friends still around. It's weird how life works and you think you have it figured out, but then realize you don't. Heres a quick unasked for life update. If you look back about 7(?) years ago, I had posted about getting married. Well lol, that ended, and for the best. I'm actually at the happiest point in my life now, being 27 years old.(or maybe I am 28 now? I stopped counting really.) I have met an amazing woman, bought a house right before the pandemic, and got engaged. I wish I could actually give a longer update, but I mean, 2020 was a beating for most of us, right?

For those who do not know me, hello. I wish I had met you all prior.(actually probably best we didn't. I've re-read my logs, I was pretty weird as a kid) Gaming is pretty different now a days. Went from playing this game like a full time job, to now bouncing game to game playing solo 90% of the time.

So yeah. I don't know if there is much more to say, considering I wasn't too sure I'd even post anyways. If anyone is actively playing other games, I am open to meeting/reuniting with anyone. I searched very little for a discord server, but failed. Anyone is welcome to add me, just let me know who they are when they do
Discord: PupperDoo#9512

Otherwise I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season, a safe new year, and cheers to 2021! Be safe
 #168788  by John
Hi Tidus. Good to hear from you.
 #168789  by jawfin
Hey buddy, always awesome to hear from you of course! A key player in helping me decide KR was the clan to join :)
Sounds like life is treating you fairly enough, so that's great to hear too :)
 #168794  by MysticalPotato
Hello Tidus, nice to meet you :)
I added you on discord so you are obliged to play with me now.
 #168798  by Mandalorian
Hey Tidus, good to hear from you again :)
 #168803  by Clank
Good, you should feel embarrassed!

Its good to hear from you!
 #169669  by Yato
Heyo Tidus! It is good to see you visit on our forum! =)